The Chinese part I wouldnt expect (its even funny lol rs) I thought theyd be the sameYes, they are the same in Japanese. (They are not the same in Chinese.)
Here is another kanji, similar to "tree" (き)(木). It is the kanji for "root" or "source" (ほん) (本). It has one additional stroke than "tree" (き) (木). Notice that 本 has a stroke across the bottom of the center stroke, symbolizing the root of a tree, and has the expanded meaning of roots in general. 本 is also the kanji for "book", because books are considered the root of all wisdom.
About Root I had seen something related, I like these connections between radicals (some dont make much sense though, but most of them do)
I have plenty written down and screenshotted, I just didnt memorize yet though (Im absorbing little by little)How many kanji radicals do you know?
I know theres tree and one similar to book, that has the root radical
This week I memorized 人 and 今日、including pronunciations (hope I dont forget though lol, but Im not rushing)
So far my biggest source of Kanjis is JapanesePod101, not the only one but the largest, they have a few cool videos explaining them