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Let's play a Shiritori Game - Japanese word game

リア充 (リアじゅう) - person who has a fulfilling real life (as opposed to sitting at a computer all day!)

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Shiritori thread, Rise from your grave!

三河(みかわ)Heaven on Earth (Actually a region in Aichi Prefecture)
三河(みかわ)Heaven on Earth (Actually a region in Aichi Prefecture)
Typically names aren't allowed. But neither are repeated words and there's no way I'm going to read through 77 pages to check! By the way every time I see your name I think of Mikawa Onsen. ♨

I don't think I've participated in this thread before. I'll go with:

綿あめ (わたあめ) Cotton Candy. Heaven in the mouth. :)

Oops, Lothor's repsonse went over my head. I thought he was just commenting. Ha. Ok then how about:
くしゃみ - sneeze
Someone actually did post a word that ended in ん at least once some years ago. But this thread is too just too much fun to let it end like that. Jref just isn't Jref without the Shiritori Thread!

幹(みき)trunk (of a tree, etc.)
I'll just let that one slide by... lol


If you've ever read the original Dragonball, Songoku used to sleep on Songohan's キンタ枕. (ok, maybe I didn't exactly let it slide by that easily. LOL)
馬場 「ばば」hippodrome

Yeah, that leaves us where we started but that's the price to pay to bring back this classic thread from the dead!
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