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Let's play a Shiritori Game - Japanese word game


1 Sep 2003
Let's play Shiritori Game! :cool:
しりとり を しましょう!

Rule 1: You have to come up with a word that begins with the final kana of the previous word. You can use katakana words such as "furuutsu"(fruit) 「フルーツ」.
Rule 2: The word can not end with "n".「ん」
Rule 3: Nouns only.
Rule 4: You can ignore Dakuten/Handakuten if you like.

ga,gi,gu,ge,go ------> ka,ki,ku,ke,ko
da,di,du,de,do ------> ta,chi,tsu,te,to
ba,bi,bu,be,bo ------>ha,hi,hu,he,ho
pa,pi,pu,pe,po ------> ha,hi,hu,he,ho

Example: "Happi"「はっ」 -----> "Hiragana" 「らがな」

I'll start.
Shiritori しりとり

Now, you have to write a word that begins with "ri".
り で はじまることばを かんがえてください。
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imi - meaning

(I remembered we were playing this game on Japanese one day it's fun. :p when you mistook, you had to answer to teacher's questions)
mimizu みみず (earthworm)
Next word can begin with either "zu" ず or "su"す.:)
After スーパー (すうぱあ) comes a word which begins with あ. But we'll ignore this and I say " kotatsu こたつ".
Kansai said:
After スーパー (すうぱあ) comes a word which begins with あ. But we'll ignore this and I say " kotatsu こたつ".

Ah, okay. I'll know now.

mimi - ear. :p
I was going to say that.
OK. rikishi りきし 力士 (sumo wrestler)
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