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Help 核心と中枢と真髄の違いは何ですか。


22 Jun 2020

"center", "core", "middle"等は私がいつも見つける意味です。

For questions like this, I find alc helpful.
As mdchachi-san, says, ALC is a good resource, as is Weblio or a good J-J dictionary (the latter might be intimidating at first, but as you start getting more comfortable reading Japanese, you'll find that dictionaries aimed at natives often offer more nuance and detail than those made for second-language learners.


(みんな is fine as a standalone word, but with さん or さま attached it has to be みなさん
/さま), never みんなさん(/さま)

"center", "core", "middle"等は私がいつも見つける意味です。
I can vaguely understand what you're trying to say here, but it doesn't really flow as natural Japanese.
The は is a bit awkward, as it sounds like you're talking about an established topic, but you're only introducing the meanings here.
Also, the intent of the statement isn't really clear. The reason you're confused is ostensibly not because you "always find" certain meanings, but because the meanings are similar to each other.

This is just an example, but you could say something like:

When I look them up in a dictionary, they all have similar meanings like "center", "core", and "middle".
どう(or どういうふうに)使い分ければいいのでしょうか?
How should I distinguish between them when I use them?

日本語が下手から (or ですから)
(下手 is an adjectival noun, so the だ/です is necessary for it to be grammatical.)

Also, どうぞ is awkward here, as it makes it sound like you're doing people a favor by asking/allowing them to correct your Japanese.
You'd better off dropping どうぞ and using -て form plus a receiving verb to make it clear you're asking for a favor.
(e.g. 「~訂正 (or 添削) していただけば幸いです。」「~添削していただけると助かります」, or something along those lines.)

Hope this helps!

For questions like this, I find alc helpful.

Thanks for the alc links. I know that site, but somehow I totally forgot about it. From what I've researched, these are my conclusions:

核心 indicates something very important that is part from a bigger issue or topic '物事の中心である大切な部分'so that's where the "core" or "nucleus" english meaning came. It's normally used as an already constructed sentence as "Get to the point" or "Reach the heart of a problem".

中枢 means that a place or even an entire location is the center of a specific activity, purpose or action '中心となる重要な所'where the 所 kanji doesn't have to mean "place" like a room or a country, but an abstract concept. "Central" would fix this.

真髄 tends to point the essence/soul or "the reason of existence" of something. I find 精神 very appropriate as a 関連語 of this word.


When I look them up in a dictionary, they all have similar meanings like "center", "core", and "middle".
どう(or どういうふうに)使い分ければいいのでしょうか?
How should I distinguish between them when I use them?

Many thanks! I find it really difficult to "think how to write" in japanese. Indeed it's a common problem I have when studying a new language. I really appreciate this as it states as a "already made sentences" 「既成の文章?」Thanks for all the corrections. 添削ありがとうございました。
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