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Written correctly? これは業績です!

JDubG said:

This is an achievement!

Is the above correct?
I think not very natural.

What do you want it for? My guess is that something like

This is without doubt a splendid achievement.

would sound better - but for the final word you need a native Japanese speaker.
JDubG said:
I am just curious. You say not very natural, but is it correct?
Maybe yes, maybe no. Which is why I didn't say :p

None of the example sentences I've seen are of the


form. I get the impression that it is just not used on it's own like that (much/at all).
Konnichiwa JDubG-san!

Yes, "これは素晴らしい業績に違いありません" is more natural than "これは業績です!" in Japanese.

Usually japanese don't use this word "業績" without "modifier".
An instance, "業績が悪い", "素晴らしい業績", "業績が下降" or "驚くような業績".

If you want to say "This is an achievement!" more literally, "これは偉業です!" is natural. This translation is the same meaning with "これは素晴らしい業績です!". of course "これは素晴らしい業績です!" is good too! 😄

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