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Where Can I Find It!!!!!


2 Jul 2004
I want to find some pocky but i dont know what stores to look at or even what departments. Could someone help me!!!!!!!
Thanks kirei i will have to check them out. Do you know of any grocery stores that might sell pocky or othe japanese snacks and what are some other good japanese snacks other than pocky? Could you explain what the snacks are like.

P.S.- Kirei you just earned you some rep points this site is awesome!!!!!!
umm goto some asian markets in your area they probably have pocky even though they arent japanese. if you have a grocery store around there with a chinese kitchen in it. then that store most likey sells pocky, theres a store here called HEB but ithink they are just in texas but for some reason sell pocky tis like $4 a pack though, also sell those sweet kinda honey coated chips, those are good too, cant remember the name. also check out strip malls or whatever see if you can find a store called "world market" they sell stuff like that there as well.
Do you live in a pretty good size city? If so, usually any Asian store keeps Pocky in stock. The only Asian store around me is run by a Vietnamese woman, but she keeps an endless supply of Pocky. It has Thai writing on it, but it's still Glico Pocky.

Oh, and I found another interesting site:

nevermind about world market, i did some checking, no locations in new york as of yet, the closest one to you would be in ohio or virginia..
As for my favorite snacks:

Calbee Kappa Ebisen - shrimp chips

Lotte Koala no March - little koala shaped cookies with chocolate filling

kaki no tane - little spicy rice crackers with peanuts(good with beer)

Shibuya Imo Kenpi - fried sweet potato sticks(my favorite!)

Meiji Kinoko no Yama or Takenoko no Sato - chocolate covere cookies in the shape of mushrooms and bamboo shoots

Lotte Pai no Mi - little flakey pie-like crust with chocolate filling

Meiji Carl - corn puff type snacks which are like cheese puffs

Other various Calbee chips.

Too many to list!!! :p

Oh, and thanks, Tim... ;-)
I live in the suburbs of Rochester, Ny. I have not been able to find a store yet but i will still search untill i find one.

What is the american comparision to Lychee soda?
The official Pocky homepage is here:

TimF said:
I live in the suburbs of Rochester, Ny. I have not been able to find a store yet but i will still search untill i find one.
Don't you have something like the Yellow Pages over there in Rochester, where you could look up stores?

TimF said:
What is the american comparision to Lychee soda?
It's some sort of lemonade with lychee flavor, very tasty!
If you like sweet stuff, get some lychees in syrup, they're great! :haihai:

Something you should also try are Japanese rice crackers. They come in several variations, wereas I like the Yamato mix the best.
ahhh damn...today I had to opportunity (once) to buy all this stuff :( but I only got SOFT SARADA(Japanese ricecrackers) --> this stuff is expensive here :| !!
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