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What's the true meaning of Hon'ne?


19 Aug 2004
I read in a book that Hon'ne is one's true intentions and Japanese tend to hide/cover it up to avoid hurting the others feelings. And not revealing their Hon'ne until the relationship has been better extablished.

Does anyone have some insite on this? And what exactly does it pertain to? :?
Typical Japanese responses that may bend the truth or say what the others may want to hear. This is called tatamae. It's like deferring during a discussion rather than purusing an argument or something like that. Honne is your real feelings and are rarely used. It's a little different with younger generations, especially when they're dealing with foreigners, but get them around other Japanese and they fall into tatamae like a reflex. You can get the youth to express their true feelings, especially if they're pressed.
Tatamae is how you present yourself to others, honne is the real you, that you only let your friends and people close to you know. Have a look at the "can you truely get close to someone who is japanese" thread.
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