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Whale meat from research for sale


Unswerving cyclist
14 Mar 2002
Whale meat from research for sale

Sales of some 409 tons of whale meat from Japan's research whaling in the North Pacific began Monday in wholesale markets nationwide, according to a statement released by the Tokyo-based Institute of Cetacean Research.

The meat is from 100 minke whales, 50 Bryde's whales, 39 sei whales and five sperm whales caught as part of what Japan calls its research program from July to October, the statement said.

=> http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=1&id=242194&display=all

Related info:

Whale meat in Japan

=> http://www.upstarts.net.au/site/non_commercial/whales/_conservation/whalecon_main2.html
Hey, I'm with PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals). :D

I'm joking but sometimes people overact with customs that they aren't familiarized with, like the esting of of whale of even dog.

SO which kind of whale tastes best to you think. THey never tell us that. It would be information I want to know. I am not spending 1000 yen on some substandatd crappy tasting whale :)
Brewdude, that's an easy question. The more endangered the species the tastier it is. It's called the "Me-too, Me-too" syndrome which is the initial stage of the "Oishii, ne?!" frenzy.

/me opens his second eye and gets some coffee
okay i've been wanting to know, they call it research whaling..
WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY RESEARCHING???? "How quickly can we wipe out the remaining species of whales" ???? this makes absolutly no sense to me and is an insult to science!
>okay i've been wanting to know, they call it research whaling..
>we wipe out the remaining species of whales" ???? this makes
>absolutly no sense to me and is an insult to science!

Hang on, you say you don't know what they are researching (or why presumably), and yet you can pass it off as an insult to science?

Do you really think that they will wipe out a single species of whales by their lethal research programs? Where did you get that idea? Do you know the estimates of how many whales of each species there actually are? Do some maths, you will see that what they are doing is about as likely to drive a species to extinction as I am likely to be hit by a bus when I cross the street for lunch in a few minutes.

Also, although some species wre severely depleted by the large scale oil whaling operations of the past, none of them were ever completely wiped out, thankfully.
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