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"Visible Post Elements" should include 'Show smilies'


Manga Psychic
22 Jan 2004
"Visible Post Elements" should include 'Show smilies' because some people really, really dislike these lovable characters. :?

The 'Show images' option does not hide smilies when un-selected.
I'll go you one farther. Some of us (well, me anyway) thoroughly despise the blasted things. And an option to disable display of avatars would be a welcome addition as well.

Too cute by half. Some of us live in Japan and have to wallow in cutesy crap the live-long day. Do us a favor and help us at least be able to visit here and try to participate and help out some other folks without having to be bombarded by even more of it.

Given a choice of one or the other, I can tolerate the avatars better than the juvenile smilies.

mikecash said:
I'll go you one farther. Some of us (well, me anyway) thoroughly despise the blasted things. And an option to disable display of avatars would be a welcome addition as well.

You've already got that one. 😌
(You deserved that one for not checking the options before posting)
I'll Join In And Be A Wet Blanket About...

the SIGS. Colors, movement, giant letters, pull my eyes off the posts like a magnet! I think concentration gets harder as you get older, at least for this ol fogie.


The Forum is controled by a program you get from a private company, so I guess there is only so much you can adjust on it? I've never joined any other forums, so I don't know what they offer?
Frank D. White said:
the SIGS.
Can be turned off in options.
Frank D. White said:
Colors, giant letters
Can be turned off in Tools -> Internet Option -> Accessibility
(although this will thorougly mess up some sites that aren't well designed)
Frank D. White said:
The Forum is controled by a program you get from a private company, so I guess there is only so much you can adjust on it?
More than you thought though ;-)
I Have Terrible Luck When....

I mess with programs. It seems something I change affects something I had no clue about; and then I have something not working right, unable to figure what did what. Anyway, I prefer to mess around with hardware, but panic with software? Poor ol pre-alizheimer Frank!


mikecash said:
Too cute by half. Some of us live in Japan and have to wallow in cutesy crap the live-long day. Do us a favor and help us at least be able to visit here and try to participate and help out some other folks without having to be bombarded by even more of it.
Well, if you don't like these things, you should think about moving somewhere else :haihai:

I don't know if it's possible to hide the smilies... I've never seen a forum with an option to do that.
Lina Inverse said:
Well, if you don't like these things, you should think about moving somewhere else :haihai:
It's just that sort of welcoming attitude and insightful comment that makes JREF what it is. *Insert sarcasm smiliey here*
PaulTB said:
It's just that sort of welcoming attitude and insightful comment that makes JREF what it is. *Insert sarcasm smiliey here*

I think that she meant I should move out of Japan, not this forum. Although she might not mind that either.

Goodness knows I fail to fit into any of the:

1. I love anime!!!!!!!
2. I love manga!!!!!!
3. I love Japan, despite knowing jacksquat about it!!!!!!!!
4. J-Girls are cute!!!!!!
5. I love J-Pop!!!!!!!

categories, which seem to be somehow mandatory for participating on these forums.

No wonder I'm happier on that certain usenet Romper Room (you know the one, Paul, I'll not mention it here for fear of folks from the aforementioned categories wandering over there and receiving a most harsh reception from the denizens thereof), where practically all of the regulars are folks who actually make their homes/lives in Japan, and have done so for long enough that we no longer actually find posts directly related to Japan to be of any interest whatsoever.

For the cutesy widdle honey-buns who invited me to leave....don't worry, sugar, It probably won't be all that long before the high Clueless Quotient one encounters here will send me drifting away again.

Oops, sorry Lina....I see by your personal info that you are a male. Never would have guessed it from that avatar of yours, though. I'm not criticizing, though. I am open-minded enough to respect men who are comfortable with expressing their femininity.
mikecash said:
For the cutesy widdle honey-buns who invited me to leave....don't worry, sugar, It probably won't be all that long before the high Clueless Quotient one encounters here will send me drifting away again.
It's actually not half bad for Japanese Language topics as long as you don't stray out of the relevant forums. I know you've given up studying Japanese though.
PaulTB said:
It's actually not half bad for Japanese Language topics as long as you don't stray out of the relevant forums. I know you've given up studying Japanese though.

My initial thought for a reply was "Nothing bores me more." But that's not quite true. The anime/manga/J-Pop crap does.
mikecash said:
Goodness knows I fail to fit into any of the:

1. I love anime!!!!!!!
2. I love manga!!!!!!
3. I love Japan, despite knowing jacksquat about it!!!!!!!!
4. J-Girls are cute!!!!!!
5. I love J-Pop!!!!!!!

categories, which seem to be somehow mandatory for participating on these forums.

I love it! Glad someone will come out and say it! <insert cool smilie here>
Now Now !!

Goodness knows I fail to fit into any of the:

1. I love anime!!!!!!!
2. I love manga!!!!!!
3. I love Japan, despite knowing jacksquat about it!!!!!!!!
4. J-Girls are cute!!!!!!
5. I love J-Pop!!!!!!!

categories, which seem to be somehow mandatory for participating on these forums.

They do serve a good purpose!! Think of all the young people keeping off the streets and on their PC. You could be out in the real world having to deal with them if they weren't home maddly pounding away on their PC keys.
If we don't want our youngsters out reeking havock on the real world, we have to provide a venting place for them! A terrible price and sacrifice to have to make, but it's for the kids for God's sake!! We should get down on our knees and thank Thomas & Machimo for providing a place for our wayward youth!!


They're your wayward youngsters, not mine. The youngsters where I live aren't one-tenth so obsessively enamored of J-Things as the youngsters where you live.
No, they're Japanese youngsters who grew up surrounded by Japanese pop culture so they even though they of course take part in it and enjoy it, they don't obsess over it like the foreign otaku nutbars do.
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