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video game characters actually real??!

13 Jul 2004
It has been found that the characters from kessen 1 and 2 and from the onimusha series are actual people in history...along with dynasty warriors...

one was from china though..can't remember... but tokugawa from kessen actually won that war.. ☝
I've met some!

Remember Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat II? Well, I met him at a fish and fried food shop. I'm not joking! The entire cast in that video game came from a big health club in Chicago. The actor who did Shang Tsung, (a small Chinese guy) knew the store owner and he used to sign autographed pictures there. Remember, I mean the video game, not the movie.

yeah man, the characters from kessen are the same as dynasty warriors. they were real people at one time. i even have a book written, in part, by one of them, Zhuge Liang. either way dynasty wariors, kessen, romance of the three kingdoms, and mystic heros are based from the three kingdoms era in chinese history, A.D. 168-280. you can get the 2300+ page book, Three Kingdoms, from amazon. it was like $40 when i bought it a couple years ago.
i'm dont know about onimusha though koei just released samurai warriors which is the same basic game as dynasty warriors but for japanese history. not too sure how it compares with the real history. masamune or muramasa, cant remember which, is in it though.
jeisan said:
yeah man, the characters from kessen are the same as dynasty warriors. they were real people at one time. i even have a book written, in part, by one of them, Zhuge Liang. either way dynasty wariors, kessen, romance of the three kingdoms, and mystic heros are based from the three kingdoms era in chinese history, A.D. 168-280. you can get the 2300+ page book, Three Kingdoms, from amazon. it was like $40 when i bought it a couple years ago.
i'm dont know about onimusha though koei just released samurai warriors which is the same basic game as dynasty warriors but for japanese history. not too sure how it compares with the real history. masamune or muramasa, cant remember which, is in it though.

i think it was masamune... and the dynnast warrior characters were from kessen 2... kessen 1 was earlier i believe... like tokugawa and ishida..
yes... zhuge liang was part of the 3 kingdoms... but kessen one i'm not sure which... it had something to do with the toyotomi dynasty :)
Konnichiwa Mina-san!

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Those characters are actual people in history!
Of course Abe no Seimei is actual person too! 👍

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