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Use of "charset=iso-8859-1" tag in _Japan_ Forum


Manga Psychic
22 Jan 2004
This is significant mostly to the 'Nihongo Forum' section.

Since the new forum system has come up and running (only just noticed it myself) the meta tag
<meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type />
is included. I have noticed a significant increase in nasty moji-bake occurences in posts.

It seems to be (pretty much) impossible to select non-Western encodings when replying to threads in advanced mode. (Quick
replies are a different matter). Japanese characters entered while in Western Encoding in Internet Explorer appear to be stored and displayed correctly (in unicode form) but I'm concerned about how well this will work with other browsers.

これはIEでWestern European (ISO)のエンコードです。
窶堋ア窶堙ェ窶堙慌uick Reply窶堙?apanese (JIS)窶堙姑竪ニ停?愴坦ツーニ檀窶堙??堋キツ。
これはMozilla FirebirdでWestern (ISO-8895-1)のエンコードです。
Note that smilies should be disabled when making posts including Japanese text. (Smilies are not '' safe - the ; will be interpretted as part of a smiley if it happens to be before a ) etc.
Having checked around a bit;
Japanese (JIS) also known as Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) may be the only format to be corrupted due to the presense of " < > & etc in the source text.
Japanese (Shift-JIS) and Japanese (EUC) should both be safe from that particular bug.
Thanks for your heads-up, Paul. We will soon create new template sets for the nihongo sections featuring J-metatags. However, we're just a bit reluctant to tinker with the forum until the Gold release will be finally out.
thomas said:
Thanks for your heads-up, Paul. We will soon create new template sets for the nihongo sections featuring J-metatags. However, we're just a bit reluctant to tinker with the forum until the Gold release will be finally out.
I see they have now been tinkered with but didn't you read this (and other) threads?

Please don't use
<meta content="text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp" http-equiv=Content-Type />
unless/until you get the &quot; damage sorted out. In fact use anything but iso-2022-jp.

As far as I know Japanese (EUC) and Japanese (Shift-JIS) should both be OK.
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