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Uploading photos into Gallery


I like pegs..yea..
4 Aug 2004
I'm posting this message again here to see if there's any more help I can get.

I have over the minimum of posts needed to access the gallerys, and I can get to them but I can't upload anything because there is no link to get me there.


Thats the link to a screen cap I took of what is displayed at the top of the screen when I go there, I was informed that a link saying 'upload' should be there, and its not.
I was given the url 'https://jref.com/entertainment/gallery/uploadphoto.php' but when I went there it told me I did not have permission to upload photos.

I dunno if it has to do with my browser or what but I use Safari 1.0.2 (v85.7)

Any help?
I Have To Shut Off My ...

pop-up ad blocker to get things to work? Jeisan is really good on this stuff, he may be able to help. If all else fails, he can get you to E-Mail your photos to him and put them up for you.Don't give up, sometimes it just takes a while to figure things out.


or you could try a differnent browser...
also you may wanna try to keep yourself cookied so youre permantly logged in. sometimes not having the cookie will mess up the upload link, dunno why...
From what I know I keep cookies on, and I've tried using firefox for my browser and it still doesn't work.
Try logging out and logging back in to the forum. It'll probably reset the cookie or something that'll make it work. It did for me for another image galllery connected with a vbulletin forum.


I've logged out and logged in so many times already, but for the sake of things I did it again and it STILL didn't work. I so feel like smashing my computer to little bits right now.
Okay. Try going into your options (for Firefox) and look for the cookies area. Delete any cookies that begins with "jref.com" or "www.jref.com" or the likes. And try log in again.


Alright, I found the problem. Normally users get promoted to "sempai" rank after 20 posts, but for some reason it didn't do it automatically this time. Now I am sure you can access the entertainment gallery.
*hugs maciamo* thank you so much! 📣
It works finally, btw. Hehe, but thank you so much for your help 👍
well there are two galleries, one in which you can upload at any time the other you have to have 20 posts to post in. the one in the entertainment section requires 20 posts.
so which gallery is the onem where i can upload any time, i tried them all and i can still not see the upload link..
do i really have to post 20 posts to upload one pic?
You misunderstood.. You cannot post any pictures without attaining 20 posts.. Once you have 20 posts, you may post as much as you like.. You do not need 20 posts per picture.. Heh.
sorry i was not clear enogh.
its the same gallery im talking about all the time..
im trying to upload to the same gallery, but i cant...
i could upload the first time but not anymore...
Same as me but I have over thirty posts now and my profile says I only have 13 but if you go to the link to view all my posts and you count them then there is more than 20.. And I can not get access to the photo gallery either.
For your information, some forums does not increase post counter, such as the Chit Chat forum. You'll have to increase the post counter to the required amount. :)


WyteAnjal said:
Same as me but I have over thirty posts now and my profile says I only have 13 but if you go to the link to view all my posts and you count them then there is more than 20.. And I can not get access to the photo gallery either.
Simply look at the left of your posts, where you can see the post count. Only that number counts, not the total amount of your posts.
Right now, you have 15 posts there and thus would still need 5 posts. Some forums (like e.g. the ChitChat forum) don't increase your post count.
the humor section and j-bot section also dont increase that number of posts in your profile. you need that to read 20. if you click the gallery link at the top of the page with the orange folder you should be able to upload there. but only relevent pics.
still cant upload.

can anyone tell me the which gallery doesn't require the 20 posts?
i already uploaded to following galleries without any posts:
Nature & Landscapes
Modern Japan
Bizarre buildings
jeisan said:
if you click the gallery link at the top of the page with the orange folder you should be able to upload there. but only relevent pics.
or click here

the entertainment or idols gallery requires 20 posts. you can find this by scrolling down the forum index to the entertainment subsection then clicking on he gallery link or clicking the entertainment tab at the top if the page then finding the link for the gallery or click here
the only way that you can upload to this gallery, the entertainment/idols gallery, is with 20 posts, and not just 20 posts but 20 posts in forums that count. forums that dont count towards your post count include chit chat, ask j-bot, humor and tests.
I would like to turn my photo upload notification off, but everytime I try to, I get this message....

"Script call malformed. Notify your Administrator."

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