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tools used in colligrapfy


17 Jul 2004
(In Ranma1/2)

I saw "Kuno" use something that looked like a piece of coal, rubbing it against a black box to make paint/ink that he was going to write with...

What is this called?

Is it coal?

What are the names of the tools used?

thank you :)
Gaki said:
I just use a pot of indian ink when i need to do calligraphy.

Thank you, but.. that only corrected my typo in Calligrapfy.
didn't answer any question :)
Noone? Right then.

Japanese Calligraphy is called Shodo.

Basic equipment is made up of a Fude, Shitajiki, Bunchin, Suzuri, Sumi and Hanshi.

Fude is just a brush, well a calligraphy brush. They come in all sorts of different sizes, the smaller ones being normally to write your name with.
Shitajiki is a soft mat that you put the paper on when doing the writing. I guess it stops the ink going into the surface below (table etc) and gives a nice surface to write on. A bit like felt.
Bunchin is a metal block that stops the paper from moving about, blowing away. A paper weight :p
Suzuri is where you put ink, either out of a bottle or from a sumi. Its made of something... stone or metal im not sure, but its a little heavy.
Sumi is that that black thing. You put a little water in the suzuri and then rub the sumi on the suzuri until you get the consistency you want. I use this if im going to do a final run of a piece.
And finally Hanshi is the special thin paper you write on.

Theres different styles to writing in shodo, from basic square characters (kaisho) up to stylised artistic cursive character (sosho, i like this but i still suck at it :S)

Oh and being left handed doesnt help :D
Sinspawne said:
Thank you, but.. that only corrected my typo in Calligrapfy.
didn't answer any question :)

I assumed you wanted to learn calligraphy, if that's the case i was pointing out that all you need to start out with is a calligraphy brush and a pot of indian ink.
Gaki said:
I assumed you wanted to learn calligraphy, if that's the case i was pointing out that all you need to start out with is a calligraphy brush and a pot of indian ink.

oh..ok. it is good information, and I didn't mean to sound ungrateful.
Thank you both for answering my questions so fast 🙂
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