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The 4-leaf clover...


24 Jul 2004
Just interested: say you find a four leaf clover and are willing to give it as a good luck mini-present to a japanese person. Would that person run away scared, or slap you, or laugh in your face... just interested in your opinions:can an item of good luck be considered bad luck?
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hmm well i fairly sure the number 4 is considered bad luck since it sounds like die/dead/death in chinese. not sure about japan though...
4 leaf clovers are considered lucky in japan. Maybe do something to it like get it put in a small frame or keyring.
lucky you, you found a disfigured/mutated clover ^^

keyring is a good idea.. you can buy one of those little keyrings that are supposed to hold a little picture....
I looked for hours for a couple of days for a four leaf clover for a girl to have during her upcoming test. She didn't seem to think it was bad luck at all. However, I never found one... :(
The meaning isn't different from here, but it's not used very frequently...
A long time ago, the word for 4 (四) was indeed "shi" (which also means "death"), but because of this it was changed to "yon". The original word only remains in a few compound words.
Emoni said:
I looked for hours for a couple of days for a four leaf clover for a girl to have during her upcoming test. She didn't seem to think it was bad luck at all. However, I never found one... :(

It might have been more practical to spend the same number of hours helping the girl review for the test, doncha think?
Thanks for the insult, as well as the other snide remarks you are carefully placing throughout the forums.

If you had any idea of the irony of what you just said, you might not have posted it. Just stop this already k?
Emoni said:
Thanks for the insult, as well as the other snide remarks you are carefully placing throughout the forums.

If you had any idea of the irony of what you just said, you might not have posted it. Just stop this already k?

I know exactly what I said. I said that helping a person study for a test might be of more practical benefit than spending several hours searching for a 4 leaf clover.

As to the other snide remarks.....

I made a reply-in-kind to your abusive reply to Mac regarding Japanese IME. You were totally out of line there. Far worse than anything I do.

And if you're talking about your JLPT thread, I have done nothing there but answer your questions in a polite way. That you may not like the answers is not my problem.

And if you're talking about Maciamo's recent thread, I think you are the one out of line there.
Utsuki said:
What about three-leaf clover?

Does it have the same lucky meaning with four-leaf clover??
3 leaf clover has no meaning at all and is totally useless excepted for nourrishing cows and goats.

2 leaf clover has no menaning whatsoever, and has the same use as above 3 leaf clover. excepted that there is less to eat for the cows and goats.

1 leaf clover is the most interresting one since it brings bad luck to the second person who will touch it. If you discover one and want to offer it to, say, mikecash (lol...) you might do so without fear. he will be the unlucky one, like for instance he will never win lottery.
mikecash said:
I made a reply-in-kind to your abusive reply to Mac regarding Japanese IME. You were totally out of line there. Far worse than anything I do.

I was going to bother with a detailed explaination, but I really don't see the point. You're simply going to drag this into a off shoot argument on yet another thread for your enjoyment. You are known, and take pride in your "behavior" towards members of this forum, and to those who post here more than every other month, it is extremely obvious. Even by your self given title that you keep updated.

If for a second anyone thinks my post about stating "gibberish" as a language was serious they either need to look at it again, or are looking for imaginary ammo. Same goes with the rest of your claims of "abuse."

Enough said. If you want to continue this, take it somewhere else or start your own thread. You won't get anymore reaction out of me here at the least. Another topic doesn't need to be highjacked because of this garbage.

Last time I checked this was a forum to discuss Japanese related comments. Not to verbally jab at every poster you see an opening with.
Does such thing exist? I mean the 4 leafs clover. I haven't encounter with anyone that found such thing.
Yes, the do exist. I've seen one, but only one. Supposedly, they are more common than people might believe, but I don't remember the odds on them.
Emoni said:
I was going to bother with a detailed explaination, but I really don't see the point. You're simply going to drag this into a off shoot argument on yet another thread for your enjoyment. You are known, and take pride in your "behavior" towards members of this forum, and to those who post here more than every other month, it is extremely obvious. Even by your self given title that you keep updated.

If for a second anyone thinks my post about stating "gibberish" as a language was serious they either need to look at it again, or are looking for imaginary ammo. Same goes with the rest of your claims of "abuse."

Enough said. If you want to continue this, take it somewhere else or start your own thread. You won't get anymore reaction out of me here at the least. Another topic doesn't need to be highjacked because of this garbage.

Last time I checked this was a forum to discuss Japanese related comments. Not to verbally jab at every poster you see an opening with.

Miss Pot, meet Miss Kettle

Emoni said:
I swear, people these days. EVERYTHING has to be done for you! First you want a Japanese game, so you learn Japanese. Oooooh, but you can't handle when it goes to GIBBERISH!?

Are you people so lazy these days that you can't just get off your butt and learn gibberish? Is it THAT hard to learn? God damn you lazy bums, even BABIES can do this! BABIES can do something that you're lazy rear ends can't. I think that speaks for itself...

Put some effort into it and I'm sure you'll get it down in a few weeks, hell go to a preschool if you need a tutor. You're probably too cheap to shell out a few pennies to a 4 year old though.

You all make me SICK.

And you still criticize me? Let's not have double standards here.
At least what Mike said was useful and witty.

Isnt a 4 leaf clover some kind of mutation on the normal 3 leaf variety? :p
Ewok85 said:
At least what Mike said was useful and witty.

Don't contradict the nice lady. All the regulars here hate me. Get with the program.
Lina Inverse said:
A long time ago, the word for 4 (四) was indeed "shi" (which also means "death"), but because of this it was changed to "yon". The original word only remains in a few compound words.

When I count in Japanese I found that I used "shi", guess I'm old-fashioned. Interesting thing is, in some old buildings in Japan, there is no fourth flour and they just skip it and call it the fifth floor.

As for four-leafed clovers, it might be a mutation but it might be a recessive gene. In Japan they are considered lucky, and are pretty common.
Ewok85 said:
Oh sorry, you mean twisted bitter old man... is that how it goes?

That's much better.

But I am now a fwuffy widdle kitty cat (as you can see) and have a properly Oprahific description for myself.

Foxtrot Uniform said:
When I count in Japanese I found that I used "shi", guess I'm old-fashioned. Interesting thing is, in some old buildings in Japan, there is no fourth flour and they just skip it and call it the fifth floor.

As for four-leafed clovers, it might be a mutation but it might be a recessive gene. In Japan they are considered lucky, and are pretty common.

They're considered lucky for much the same reason Feb. 14th is considered Valentine's day.
Emoni said:
I swear, people these days. EVERYTHING has to be done for you! First you want a Japanese game, so you learn Japanese. Oooooh, but you can't handle when it goes to GIBBERISH!?

Are you people so lazy these days that you can't just get off your butt and learn gibberish? Is it THAT hard to learn? God damn you lazy bums, even BABIES can do this! BABIES can do something that you're lazy rear ends can't. I think that speaks for itself...

Put some effort into it and I'm sure you'll get it down in a few weeks, hell go to a preschool if you need a tutor. You're probably too cheap to shell out a few pennies to a 4 year old though.

You all make me SICK. :eek:

(Seriously though, Keiichi is probably right. I'd consider writing even Microsoft if you really need to find a way to switch the settings, just don't expect much.)

This is the full post. Without the last two lines you removed. Here is the link. Japanese IME
Emoni said:
You won't get anymore reaction out of me here at the least.

You were saying?

Has anyone ever told you you need to lighten the hell up and develop a sense of humor?
Emoni the way you slated Mac is not the way to go, you talk about Mike(we all now how he is and how he loves sarcasm,irony etc. ;-)) about him doing stuff wrong, yet you acted in a very childish way yourself with that post.And for the rest I don't think we should make any words dirty on this anymore. :) (do it PM style or go complain at the admin's door)
OMG I feel so violated! :(

... I'm a little teapot, short and stout..this is my handle, this is my... mouth?..

gimme a break, I never sang that in kindergarden.

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