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some abbreviations


21 Jun 2004
I couldn't find any info about this in the forum; so sorry if it has indeed been asked for.

I'm trying to get a clue about some abbreviations in spoken (anime?) Japanese.
Especially ~ちゃ, ~きゃ, ~っきゃ.

Thanks :sorry:
The first two are pretty common...I think the third is just another version of the second. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that, please...I'd have to hear it as part of a sentence to tell for sure.

ちゃ=ては. You'll usually see it in "have to" phrases like しなくちゃいけない(=しなくてはいけない).
きゃ=ければ. Same thing. しなきゃならない(=しなければならない)

Keep in mind also that people will often drop the second half of a "have-to" construct, so you may get sentences like "そうしなきゃ。", "食べなくちゃ。", and "仕事しないと。"

There are also other abbreviations like じゃ (=では as in じゃない or このままじゃ) as well as sort of 'slurring' abbreviations (おれんところ=これのところ, そりゃ=それは, etc.) that you'll pick up more and more as you keep watching.

I forgot one important group--~てしまう (something is regretful or complete). The shortest abbreviation is ~ちゃう, although you can also use ~ちまう. So 食べてしまう=食べちゃう=食べちまう, 食べてしまいます=食べちゃいます=食べちまいます.

Any others you're not sure about?
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