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seem to / it seems that


8 Apr 2004
Dear native English speakers,
would you check my questions and sentences about "seem"?
問1 それぞれの意味の違いに注意して和訳しなさい。
①Jane seems to know the truth. (the truth = 真実,真相,本当のこと)

②Mike seems to have known the truth.

③He seemed to be lying to me. (lie to~ =~に嘘をつく)[be ~ing は進行形]

④He seemed to have been lying to me. (to have +過去分詞は「完了不定詞」で過去の事を表す)

seemには、仮主語のit を主語にした文型もあります。
It seems (to 人) that S V = (人にとって)S V だと思われる/思える
It seemed (to 人) that S V = (人にとって)S V だと思われた/思えた

問2 次の文を和訳しなさい。
①It seemed that Bob liked the Japanese food.

②It seems that I forgot to lock the front door this morning.

③It seems to me that Mike is telling the truth.

④It seemed to Jim that Nancy was worried about something.

問3 問1の①~④の文をIt ~thatの文型を用いて、ほぼ同じ意味の文に書き換えなさい。
My answers:
①Jane seems to know the truth.
→It seems that Jane knows the truth.
②Mike seems to have known the truth.
→It seems that Mike knew the truth.
③He seemed to be lying to me.
→It seemed that he was lying to me.
④He seemed to have been lying to me.
→It seemed that he had been lying to me.

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