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saaA.. oJyama shimasu!!


21 Jan 2004
Wussup everyone.... I'm here to introduce myself. I was already registered but never came to the site... Well I'm ready to commit myself to JREF dotto comu! 👍 hah shiet.. these are some gangsta icons..

tonikaku chotto jikoshoukai wo sasete itadakimashouu! Minna jibun no koto wo "Jeff" to yobimasu. Boku ha California-shuu de umarete hahaoya ha nihonjin nanode, nihon no eikyou wo totemo uketesodachimashita. 9nen gurai nihon no kanagawaken ya aomoriken ni sundeimashita... kaigun kichi ni ita kedo sa hehe..

University of Washington no gakusei de senkou ha kokusaigakubu desu (demo sotsugyou shitekara donna shigoto ga mitsukeru ka wakannai kara chyotto shinpai). I hope you guys can understand my broken nihongo..

HAPPY 4th of JULY YEAH!!@!# WOOt WOOT!! (tanjoubi :D )
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Hello, Museigen.

I like your name 🙂

Happy posting!

Watashi no musume mo Tokyo de Kokusai kanke wo manandemasu.
hehe, hello museigen. had cricket not pointed out your name i wouldn't have checked out what it meant. 夢性【むせい】 wet dream; nocturnal emission. Nice......
Genius said:
hehe, hello museigen. had cricket not pointed out your name i wouldn't have checked out what it meant. 夢性【むせい】 wet dream; nocturnal emission. Nice......

I was hoping museigen himself would explain the meaning of his name but it seems he's not posting.

Please correct me if I'm wrong,ok?

Musei and museigen are entirely different(sorry to dissapoint you,guys).

I think museigen means unrestricted ,unlimited, free

The clause I have in my car insurance says museigen which means there is no limit to the amount that can be paid to the other party in case of accident resulting in death. :eek:
cricket said:
Musei and museigen are entirely different(sorry to dissapoint you,guys).

I think museigen means unrestricted ,unlimited, free
Yes, and the 大辞林 supports that assumption. I had looked it up earlier, and found that there was no word with 夢精 plus げん.
ahaha sorry to disappoint some of you guys.. and Thanks for Welcoming me!
museigen as in "sokudou museigen"

nice to meet you guys!
So what on earth is そくどう? I couldn't find that either at the dictionary at goo or at WWWJDIC.
So is it 速動? I don't see how it could be in official use but not be in the 大辞林.
Even in the long and winding road (am I singing?) of Texas, they have speed limits,right?

Maybe there can never be an official word like sokudou museigen because there's always a speed limit? Except for the F-1 drivers (hehehe again).
Never mind. I found it. It was romanized incorrectly. It should have been sokudo.
speed up 速度が増す; 速度を速める
そくど 速度

(a) speed; (a) velocity; (a) rate.
・1時間80キロの~で at the rate of 80 kilos an hour.
・~を増す gather speed; speed up.
・~を落とす reduce the speed; slow down.
速度計 a speedometer.
速度制限 a speed limit
Yokatta desu.

Glenn san, yoku benkyo wo suru,ne. You can be a Nippon hakase in the future! Keep it up and please share your knowledge with us 👍

squallleonheart said:
welcome already regestered but not returning member who just appeared...

hey hey now... Museigen says "Mo II kara.."

I've been actually reading posts...
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