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Outlaw Star

10 Jul 2004
Anybody here remember this great series? Not many people I know do, and right now I'm trying to save up to I can buy the boxed set at Best Buy. It was one of my first "mature" anime series, along with DBZ and Gundam Wing, and I was really sad when Cartoon Network (curse them for editing and dubbing anime) took it off.
So uh, anyone here remember/love that show, and anyone know any good info sites about it? I've looked but I can't find many.
I have seen some of the episodesand i thought it was very good. 👍

my fav character was Aisha clan clan cause in the early episodes she was so annoying but matured towards the end which is a good thing.
Outlaw Star was pretty darn decent. My favorite character was Twilight Suzuka! She was too cool for words, kicked major *** daily and twice on Sunday!
Ah yes, cannot forget Aisha! I liked the episode where they were on that space staion and she tried to transfor but she couldn't cuz there was no moon. :giggle:
I watched episode of Outlaw Star it waz cool but i don't rember a thing.Only the guys gun and like capsiles or something *hic* (LOL)
Shoot the caster #9 shell!!!! It takes care of everything. I liked the guy who was always stalking Melphina because they were both robots and he loved her but she didnt want anything to do with him then when she would say that he would be like "WHY CAN'T I MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!" that guy was psycho I liked him. lol

The main character also ran out of ammo alot and it always came down to the last shell he had wich was almost always the #9 did anyone else notice that?
The gay dude was...gay! He was funy though, kinda weird. That little kid that hung around with Gene was cool too.
that kid he was so annoying i thought, i forgot his name thats how good he was.

Vengeful Ronin said:
The gay dude was...gay! He was funy though, kinda weird. That little kid that hung around with Gene was cool too.

Yea the gay dude was err gay he tried a few times to get with gene but gene's a full blooded male :D
The kid's name was Jim,and that anime was one of the best I've ever seen!
Also,the creepy gay dude's name is Fred.
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TimF said:
Shoot the caster #9 shell!!!! It takes care of everything. I liked the guy who was always stalking Melphina because they were both robots and he loved her but she didnt want anything to do with him then when she would say that he would be like "WHY CAN'T I MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!" that guy was psycho I liked him. lol

The main character also ran out of ammo alot and it always came down to the last shell he had wich was almost always the #9 did anyone else notice that?

......lol,he had like 2 of those throughout the anime.
I looooooooooooooooove it! i have it on dvd and it's awesome. i just love jean he's so cool, it's where i got "bite me" from which i often shout at my sister when she's bein a............shall we say brat, hehe
Oh, look, the old me up there! Holy crap this thread is old, who resurrected it?

Anyway, I do miss that show...I wanna get the box set at Best Buy...but it's frikkin $60. Although I guess there's always eBay...but seeing as I don't make a lot of money and I'm a cheapskate anyway, I'd rather download it somewhere if at all possible. I should probably start reading the manga again. This is the link to it if any of you want it:

Daaaaamn, it must suck really bad.

...that sounded wrong. 😌

Hm...i haven't had any luck yet. I found some of the episodes, but not all. There were 26 episodes in total, correct? I did find the Cowboy Bebop movie...it's good...but Outlaw Star owns Bebop. 👍
I loooooooooooooooooooooooove cowboy be-bop!!!

hehe im startin to see a pattern. ur tryin to get hold of outlaw star series? i bought mine on ebay, it was mega cheap and brand new. thats where i get like all my anime :p . i can try and find some cheap ones for u if u'd like, i don't mean to brag but im a bit of an ebay wizz, haha i suppose that just means i like to spend money and spend too much time on the pc doin it haha:D
lol, well thank you for the offer...but i'm going poor. They're cutting back our hours at work, so i'm gettin like 10 or less a week. Really sucks...:(
My boss was trying to assure me this morning that it's cuz we're so slow this morning, and it has nothing to do with my performance (i alreay knew that anyway, cuz they like me). I get ONE day next week...3 hours. Wooohoo. I'm getting like 7 hours this week...joy! :eek:
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