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Mystery word ...


Manga Psychic
22 Jan 2004

From the sentence ...


Even when I do club activities, despite that fact that I entered because I wanted to, practise is a pain, troublesome, ????, don't wanna go ... Always thinking things like that makes it a 'You make your own bed and sleep in it' type of tale, doesn't it?

Found here.
My Spousal Unit informs me that it is たいぎ (大儀)
I would think it got elongated as some sort of emotive emphasis. But since the same thing didn't happen to a couple of the other words in there, I lean more toward the typo theory.
mikecash said:
I would think it got elongated as some sort of emotive emphasis. But since the same thing didn't happen to a couple of the other words in there, I lean more toward the typo theory.
Few too many Google hits for the typo theory - I think it is probably adjectivised (or ized if you prefer).
PaulTB said:
Hmm, wonder it that's typo, dialect, slang and / or adjectivisation?


Dialect and adjectivisation by the look of it. (Should have found that first - that's what comes of relying too much on goo辞書 - 国語・英語・四字熟語・中国語のオンライン辞書 's 国語 side.)

たいぎい is a dialect (and adjectivisation). It's not typo.
You can meet people who use たいぎ in Shikoku, Chuugoku area.
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