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My life long wish has come true


Ramen Lover :3
31 Oct 2003
Well maybe not life long wish. More like three year wish... okay, I lied more like 8 month wish. Well any-who let me get to the chase. My school only offers the three base languages: Spanish, German and French. I was pretty ticked off about this until I got this paper about taking classes online for school. I decided I would earn my 2 year language credit online instead of taking a class. So I went up to the counseling office and got this paper to see what classes I could take online and well, there it was. Japanese is offered as an online class! I so psyched that I should my friend who was with me at the time and we are both going to take japanese!

(Okay, so this next part is more of a rant, but hey. It's centered around our love for all things japanese ain't it?)

We would have told our other friend who is an anime and japan fanatical as we are but she is always trying to be better than us. Like we all draw manga and she always thinks her style is better than ours. For instance, my friend Kaile drew this anime picture to color in art class while our other friend Kenna drew a picture of her cats. Well, kenna comes back the next day with this spiffy Sailor Moon drawing she did, just so she could one-up kalie. So Kalie and I decided that we'll take japanese for a year then tell Kenna about it. That way we're a step ahead of her at all times. She still has to take her Spanish 3 class anyways so after that she can do japanese with us.

We aren't really trying to be mean or anything we just we want to do something that we don't have to always compete with Kenna over.

I was also wondering if anyone else has taken online classes for school and I was wondering how it worked. Is it easy to do on the computer? Does it take more studying then it would if you took it at school?
I don't know but I can remember back in the day when I used to all draw anime in middle school and stuff but like back then nobody else really knew/cared about it so it was totally different than nowadays.

I remember I did this report once on Manga but I called it Mange (since this was when I first was getting into it all like at 11-13years old,) Oh yeah so the funny part is I later found out that meant female pubic hair in Japanese.

Anyways thanks for the flashback and good luck on your classes,


Ghettocities Clothing - Tokyo Promo 2004
I'm not sure how an online class for Japanese works. It might be difficult due to the lack of direct constant spoken communication with the teacher and other students for practice and for help, which is very important in learning a language, especially for starters. But good luck anyways. :)

I have taken online courses, two so far. I'm a computer science major. Go figure.
It's really easy to slack off, but I'm doing (did) well.
ghettocities said:
I don't know but I can remember back in the day when I used to all draw anime in middle school and stuff but like back then nobody else really knew/cared about it so it was totally different than nowadays.

I remember I did this report once on Manga but I called it Mange (since this was when I first was getting into it all like at 11-13years old,) Oh yeah so the funny part is I later found out that meant female pubic hair in Japanese.

Anyways thanks for the flashback and good luck on your classes,



:D Wow, they actual have a word for that!? Go figure! XD
:D Nikki, you remind me of the folks at my school. Better yet, modern youth. It's cool to be Japanese nowaday, almost like over there it's cool to be American. I just find it sad that people are starting to claim love for a country solely through a form of entertainment.
Anyway, That's alright what you're doin (motive-wise I mean). It's only human nature to want to be better than the other. I used to be just like that a couple years ago. :)
As for a language course, You're lucky to have something like that offered at your school. I have to take French class because there are only European languages offered at my HS. Plus I have 6 other super difficult classes, and the same will be true for next year. So I have to study my Japanese on my own. I'm getting some help from my Chinese friend, and my friends who live in Japan, but it's still super difficult. :mad: But I will pull it off, I know it!!
So, in other words: gambatte kudasai~~~ (I'm too lazy to switch to hiragana, because I'm using my mom's laptop, running on win98 :p )

Oh, by the way, how old are you, and what grade are you in?
Mehh, doing stuff online is pretty lonesome, even if you have a friend to do it with, i mean its cool but i can't get the motivation to actually sit down, and study Japanese when I have a full fledged gaming machine in my control
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