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Looking for Michiyo

Naomi Z

17 Jul 2004
maiden name is Narieda. She was an exchange student to Duncan, BC, Canada in grade 11 (1988/89) We lost touch i 1996 when she was in Australia for a year. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Any More Clues Or Details??

Perhaps an old address? The town she was from? It's kind of like me asking you to find Sue Smith, she's from Canada; can you locate her for me. We have had some people located in Japan, so it's not impossible. Good luck!


Naomi Z said:
tried all that, old addy's her parents addy, her sisters addy. all to no avail.

Do you mean that you contacted her parents' old address but they had moved? Even if that is the case, the old address (and her father's name) would at least be a clue. Chances are they moved within the same prefecture or to a neighboring one and knowing the old address would be a good starting point to finding a new one.
when we first lost touch years ago I tried

sending a letter to her parents address but I never heard back and the letter never was returned. I don't know her parents first names. last name was the same and I know they lived in kagoshima but can't remeber the pref. :(
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