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Looking for Kaoru Furusawa from Nagoya


15 Mar 2002
I have lost contact with a girl by the name of Kaoru Furusawa. She was my Japan exchange student when she was 16 and my daughter was 1. After the year in the states she went back to Nagoya. Then she went to school at Tokoyo and then to Temple University in Philadelphia. She was married and then divorsed and returned to Japan. That is when I lost track of her. She should be around 36 now.

Thanks for the help.
Hi Dresden, welcome to the forum!

Btw, this forum covers tips and tricks on how to locate people in Japan, just browse a few of the older threads. Anyhow, good luck with your search!
Hi Dresden, welcome and yoroshiku.

Good Luck with your search!
Interesting name "Dresden".
Sometimes the internet just amazes me. I mean people from all over the world just setting back sending notes to each other. BTW Dresden is a small town in the state of Ohio about 110 km east of the state capital Columbus. Dresden is home to the worlds largest hand woven basket. It is the home town for a world famous hand woven basket company, Longaberger Baskets. So much for the local trivia.
ooops! I was thinking East Germany since my mums from there.

haha, you've got baskets my hometown had Giant Pumpkins, Prisons and psychiatric Hospitals. Now you all know what's up with me.
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