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Looking for any information on my grandmother


17 Jan 2003
Dear all,

I am posting this message as a last resort as I have tried everything else.

My grandmother is Japanese and came to Malaysia during the World War 2 and married a Sri Lankan in Malaysia. They had a baby boy (my father) and then my grandmother had to go back to Japan. My father followed her and was in Japan a few years but she sent him back to Malaysia to be in his father's care. My father never got to see his mother again.

The last he heard about her was that she was dead. He remembers her always and regrets knowing about her death too late. Now we do not know where she is buried or if she has any surviving relatives.

My father is old now and his only wish is to be able to visit his mother's grave. I am desperately trying to track her grave or any of ther relatives who may be able to help me but no luck so far.

I would be forever grateful if you could help me.

All I know is that her name was Tsuji Kima and she comes from Kibachi Machi, Nagasaki.

If you have any info please email me at Nihal44[at]hotmail.com and title the subject: Info on Grandmother

Thank you very much
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Hi Nihal, welcome to the forum!

First of all, I sincerely hope you will be able to find out more about your grandmother. You should try to contact the city hall in Nagasaki directly, they have a service for foreign residents and should be able to communicate in English and to provide further info.

I found a couple of phone numbers and offices at the following sites

=> http://www1.city.nagasaki.nagasaki.jp/kokusai/benri/e_index.html

=> http://www1.city.nagasaki.nagasaki.jp/kokusai/benri/e_main5.html

Good luck to you and your father!
Conrtact me at (makulejiisan[at]aol.com). I'll try to help
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