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Living with a Japanese family


27 Jul 2004
I'm currently living in Japan, in a horrible gaijin house. I am really interested in boarding with a Japanese family but have no idea where to start looking. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am looking for a long term situation and am happy to pay.
Details , Details ???

What area are you looking for? Your age? Current situation, in school, working, sight seeing? Are you there through some agency, can they help you move. Maybe if you explain a little more, someone on the Forum can help.
Sounds like you are not in a happy situation now, good luck!


OK, sorry, more info. I'm a 29 years old female, teaching English at public schools in Saitama, just north of Tokyo. I've been here for nearly a year and speak average Japanese. Plan to be here for another 2 years or so, but maybe only 6 months in this area. My company will help me find an apartment, but I'm not willing to pay set up costs, especially if I move in 6 months. I'd also rather live with people than by myself. If any one could point me in the right direction I'd be really grateful!

the gaijin house is terrible because it is a disguisting mess. Kitchen is horrible, toilets constantly smell like sewers, showers never cleaned. Airconditioner 'broke' in the last week of June and had a constant battle with management all through July about being able to use it. Was leaking water but still worked, and we wouldn't have minded not using it for a week or so while it got fixed, but management was only interested in saving money so kept telling us we couldn't use it. Constantly lied to us and went so far as to wrap it in plastic (which an irate resident promptly removed!) and when that didn't work disconnected wires etc. BUT the residents here are great and heaps of fun, and it's less than 5 minutes to the station, so it does have it's good points. Of course stuff goes missing, but you would expect that living with any large group of people and learn not to leave anything out!
Japanese friends don't have any suggestions. I guess it's not the kind of thing that has occured to them before.
Probably the closest thing you might find is a geshuku (下宿). Your best bet at finding one is near a college.
You'll do alot better teaming up with some friends and renting an apartment. If you go 3 ways it wouldnt be too bad and could arrange for someone to take your place when you leave (make them pay some kinda joining fee :D). Might take some help from your employer tho.

Geshuku is lodging/boarding though I dont know how that would work. Staying with a Japanese family can be tough to arrange, even companies who do nothing but arrange this for highschool students have trouble :S
You'll do alot better teaming up with some friends and renting an apartment. If you go 3 ways it wouldnt be too bad and could arrange for someone to take your place when you leave

Wow, 3 people in a Japanese apartment? That'd be interesting. The thing that always turned me off with those apartments was the key money/various deposits that are basically gifts to the landlord. I'm sure you can find places that waive them now, but man...
If you do some research you will find a nice 3KLD apartment and only have to pay 1 months rent in advance. 3 people aint hard........
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