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Lest We Forget


14 Nov 2003
8:15am, 59 years ago the city of Hiroshima was bombed.

Let us remember so that it may never happen again.

Don't worry. The city of Hiroshima has made a cottage industry of it.
That is something that will never be forgotten, the most cruel and destructive weapon created by man. used against civillians...

"I dont know what WW3 will be fought with,
but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones''
(albert einstein)
Sinspawne said:
That is something that will never be forgotten, the most cruel and destructive weapon created by man. used against civillians...

Here's where the fight gets started.....

Have you ever considered the fact that there are Japanese who are alive today because the atom bombs were dropped?
mikecash said:
Have you ever considered the fact that there are Japanese who are alive today because the atom bombs were dropped?
It's certainly arguable. Unfortunately when it is argued the quality of the argument usually drops pretty quickly.

My personal opinion is that
- I don't know enough to know for certain but it seems likely.
- I don't know enough to know whether the second atom bomb to be used was really required or not.
- I don't know enough to second guess whether it was necessary to target cities or not.

What I do know is that the US had a pretty flimsy grasp on what the effects of the bomb would be like and even how likely it was that it would work at all.

Concerning which, this provides a nicely chilling sideline on related events. Although I don't have anything useful on the reliability of Ernest J. Sternglass as a scientist.
Sinspawne said:
I didn't mean to start any argument with anyone.
ki ni shinaide kudasai.

If anybody wanted to start an argument I don't think it was you.

I'm not even sure that such was Mike's intention. 🙂
I hope Japan would acknowledge its war past and make a sincere apology to the Asian people,just like the German apologized to the Jewish people.

as for the Chinese people,please do not blindedly hate Japanese people, there are many Japanese people who don't even know about their country's war past because the government have been trying to cover it up,and they also have heroized the Japanese army,they are brainwashing the Japanese people.

Make Love,Not War

i dont care what mikecash or ne other person says, it was a horrible act of war...but war is war.... but lets not forget what happened
shotime77780 said:
i dont care what mikecash or ne other person says, it was a horrible act of war
I don't think anybody has said differently.

... Just exactly how many nice acts of war have there been anyway? :?
From all that I have read and heard, the second bomb was really very uneccessary. The first bomb... I "guess" was required to end the war.

To be honest though I just don't know about that. We were already firebombing civilian towns and such. I honestly think this type of crap was totally unjustified. Of course, the Japanese have Nanking and other parts of China and Russia. We all have our little secrets.

One thing is clear though, that doesn't make it right. The best you can do is never forget those acts, so you hopefully don't repeat them in the future if you really do have other options.
Welll who evers fault it was, or should it of happened and stuff its irrevelant. We should all remember this day.
Whether it was deserved or not, the aftermath of dropping the A-Bombs was horrendous, and in that respect we should do everything in our power to make sure it never happens again.
I'm glad that you all know of the past and remember it, and as such we will not forget and repeat the horrors of the past (dont mind me im pissed, side effect of a friday).
Since then we have had no repeats pf the event and we should be grateful, and the japanese have strived to promote peace thruout the world, a very nobel cause indeed.
shotime77780 said:
i dont care what mikecash or ne other person says, it was a horrible act of war...but war is war.... but lets not forget what happened

Did I say it was not horrible?

I'm usually in the habit of carefully selecting my words and carefully constructing my posts, so it is usually a bad idea to infer from them that which isn't written there.
I told an American exchange student from my school about today`s event and her reply was "Hiroshima is a city!?!" lol She thought it was the bomb`s name ahh that`s just too funny. My Japanese teacher lost her balance and couldn`t stop laughing.
Luc said:
I told an American exchange student from my school about today`s event and her reply was "Hiroshima is a city!?!" lol She thought it was the bomb`s name ahh that`s just too funny.

That only shows that the average Joe or the kids today don't
have much knowledge/interest or detailed information about the horrible
things their country had done? I say this because most Japanese today
can't relate much to their wars because of the lack of information,you know the textbooks censorship thing.

I sometimes have this feeling that they think that they are the oppressed and
the victim because they were the first to be bombed by an atomic.
You can see many people praying and reflecting every obon season(aug.13,14,15),but it's more of a "let there be no more Hiroshimas to happen in this world. No wonder most of our Asian neighbors are still talking about
the war and still very sensitive about it,50 odd years after. I kind of understand why the big fuss about Koizumi's trip to the soldiers grave to pray.
If Japan can do what the Germans did(admission,apology and compensation)
things would have been more different. I remember the silence of my colleagues after I mentioned the apology and compensation given to those Japanese put into relocation centers or camps during the war.(Was that during Reagan's or Clinton's time,can't remember now).

I personally reflect during these times and I try to inform my kids about the horrors of war.I remember we had a healthy discussion about it after watching
the Schindler's List movie.Had to wait for my youngest to grow up a little
before showing them the film,though.
hmmm..i think the point is not whether or not anyone was justified or whatever, but people still died. that's what concerns me and makes me sad. true, because of it others are alive, but it still sucks...
bossel said:
There were victims on all sides.

Yes,very true. But the government and the media have to admit and
inform the young that they are not only victims but that they
victimized other people in the first place.The way these anniversaries are
being portrayed or shown on tv, It's only the bombings that is given special
thoughts.What happened before the bombings is never discussed or very seldom given thoughts,thats why young people can never relate to the Koreans or the Chinese people's frequent outbursts.(Hope tonight's soccer
game will go ok?)

Been discussing this with my husband ages ago,why do you think the
government of Japan wouldn't give the parties involved proper
apology and compensation?(Aside from the treaty signed right after the war).
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