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Japanese marriage


24 May 2004
Is it ok for a japanese person to marry a american person? My dad told me that japanese only marry other japanese people..
This one's going to get a lot of replies :p . Modern Japanese people are becoming more open to intercultural marriages, but many traditional ideas, such as keeping Japan and Japanese people pure, still remain. A hard core traditional Japanese father may want his son/daughter to only marry another Japanese person, but other fathers may not have any problem with an intercultural marriage.
kirei_na_me said:
We have so many threads around here where this very subject has been addressed.


Japanese and Western intermarriages

Sexless in Japanese marriage!?

Question for the Japanese people of the board/日本人への質問

(and several more)

And for most of the Japanese marriages I've been around or been in, all parties(except for maybe the non-Japanese partner, if there is one *ahem*) lose interest in sex with each other after children are born. It's extremely saddening, believe me.

not to mention this link

also coin, your dad is misinformed, there are many members of this very forum who are married to japanese people.
jeisan said:
not to mention this link

also coin, your dad is misinformed, there are many members of this very forum who are married to japanese people.

so true...I am one of them! Just as you would expect anywhere. There are people who probably look down upon it, but I have never run into a problem. My wife is from a small town in Kanagawa prefecture and the community really took to me. Here in Okinawa I know there are hundreds of mixed marriages, so I tend to believe that maybe it is not too big of a deal.
Not only is it ok to marry Japanese people, but some of them (a minority though) want to get married only to Westerners. Rare are the young Japanese that wouldn't marry a foreigner. Nowadays, the opposite is maybe more common, especially with Europeans, as more and more of them do not want to get married, while Japanese are usually much more marriage-minded. It's also good to know that Americans have the highest rate of marriage and divorce in the world, so they are a bit out-league...
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