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Japanese girls legs!


29 Jan 2005
What do you think about the legs of the japanese girls?
The body of the Japanese girls is quite different to the Caucasican one.
Do you mind about it? Do you feel it like a problem. Did you take a lot of time to get used about it? Do you like them soo much?
Do you think that Japanese girls mind about our differences?

Let's talk about it. 🦀

See ya 🙂
delicate, delicate...

I can see that you're interested in the subject.
I personally never saw a Japanese girl's leg(s) up close.

Can I make a suggestion? This seems to be a delicate subject.
Female members may object; too sexist maybe?
Sorry to discourage you, but there must be a way to discuss these things (persons' legs, that is) discreetly.

How about have peole sign up and go to the chat window where privacy is protected.

That way, you can enjoy your subject to your heart's desire, without facing any formidable challenge from our female members.

Just a suggestion to avoid any hairy problems. Can't force you. Let's see how it goes...how about it? 😌
well, when I was in Japan I saw a loooooot of girls with 'chicken legs', it's a nice way to put it hehe :p ...because their legs are really thin...and a lot of j-girls have leg problems...like different shapes...it's not that they can help it tho ☝ it's something genetical.
yeah, I have to agree with pretty eyes....this is one of those threads where you ask the wrong question and you get a Kaori Makimura ten ton hammer smashed on your head.... :D
Frank D. White said:
discussing Looong BLACK HAIR !!!!



Damn your eyes, Frank. Thanks to you every time I see a girl with loooong BLACK HAIR you know what I think of? I think of Frank D. White. Damn your eyes.
FirstHousePooka said:
Why do so many Japanese girls have bruises on their legs?
Are you talking about a two-liner, or is it a medical question?

As for the first, J-girls are known to play chicken fight when no guy's around!
Without a real chikcen, that is. :D

As for the second, some Asians are known to have weak capilary vessel lining, making them susceptible to bruises, especially the girls.

As for another lame answer, unrelenting corporal punishment in the public schools maybe? :D
FirstHousePooka said:
Lol it was a serious question.

Look at many J girls legs and you notice bruises, scratches and grazes.

Its... odd.
That sounds more like gang violence related.
Have you ever been apporached by a strange female, demanding the contents of your wallet? :D
Or could it be girls asserting their manhood as a part the women's lib. movement? :D
I wonder if Brad Pitt's popularity in the Fight Club has anything to do? :D
This thread can easily turn into something ugly.
No offense meant, but I can see you, or anyone, can get unhappy about my comments.
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I admit not noticing any difference in legs... But that is not my favourite part of the body either.
@ the bruises, it is usually jr high/ high school girls. Girls in Japan are (at least at my observance) very active in sports activities at school. This is where most of the bruises come from.

@ legs in general? Personally I have noticed some of the nicest legs I have ever seen since living here in Japan. The Japanese women have very nice and well proportioned legs, not to mention that their hip size is (usually) smaller which also makes the legs look a bit nicer. On the other hand, I have noticed many women here with what we call back home BOWLEGS. Basically meaning that the legs are not very straight and actually "bow" outward away from one another.

@ this being a delicate thread? why? Every nation, every race has the same problem with their legs, it is just more noticable on Asian women...not exactly sure why...but I will still say that overall Japanese women have the prettiest legs (IMHO)!
CC1 said:
@ this being a delicate thread? why? Every nation, every race has the same problem with their legs, it is just more noticable on Asian women...not exactly sure why...but I will still say that overall Japanese women have the prettiest legs (IMHO)!
The first positive reponse is much appreciated.
However there's still the danger of being blamed for being sexist, fetische, or both.
Have you heard of a befriender of Jews being labeled anti-Semitic?
These things are tricky; being positive I'm afraid can prove naiive.
Because now the Japanese males can be offended! :unsure:
lexico said:
The first positive reponse is much appreciated.
However there's still the danger of being blamed for being sexist, fetische, or both.
Have you heard of a befriender of Jews being labeled anti-Semitic?
These things are tricky; being positive I'm afraid can prove naiive.
Because now the Japanese males can be offended! :unsure:

That is one problem with the world today...everyone is afraid of offending anyone! what??? What was said that was so bad? The truth? Nothing sexist...nothing of a fetish...at least not so far! If anyone gets offended, they truly should just grow the F$#@ UP! There used to be a day when GROWN UPS could have a simple conversation! :p
den4 said:
yeah, I have to agree with pretty eyes....this is one of those threads where you ask the wrong question and you get a Kaori Makimura ten ton hammer smashed on your head.... :D

I was the first to use "pretty eyes" , don't violate my copy rights !! :D :D

What the ?! Why are we speaking about legs here , as long as they function , they are fine however they look .
Well, since everyone's jumping on....

I've noticed a lot of them are like my husband's legs, which are bowed and have no shape. No real muscle definition.

I've also had friends tell me they wished they had "western" legs because Westerners have "skinnier" ankles, but I didn't get that at all.
kirei_na_me said:
I've also had friends tell me they wished they had "western" legs because Westerners have "skinnier" ankles, but I didn't get that at all.

LOL...guess that depends upon where they look! Don't go to McD's at lunch time! :p
I'm sorry if someone doesn't feel fine speaking about it, but mine was just a curiosity.
My girlfriend is Japanese and I don't hide that at beginning I had some problems tuning my eyes in the asian beauty canon. Nowadays my feeling is different, I like Japanese girls body. I'm with CC1 saying that some Japanese girls have the prettiest legs in the world.
Than I don't think that this is a too sexist topic.
I'd like to read what the japanese girls think about gaikokugin body.

I think that about bruises CC1 is right and than I want to add that Japanese girls skin is very soft and to get a big and dark bruise is very easy for them.
kirei_na_me said:
Well, since everyone's jumping on....

I've noticed a lot of them are like my husband's legs, which are bowed and have no shape. No real muscle definition.

I've also had friends tell me they wished they had "western" legs because Westerners have "skinnier" ankles, but I didn't get that at all.

and suddenly you join in, even though you said it was a bad idea from the beginning?? :mad:

ANYWAYS! I´m a western girl, and I admire the legs of Japanese women. They have soo pretty, kawaii skinny legs!! 👍

Besides, why not have a thread like this? The j-rock fangirls are all discussing the hotness/look/weight/feelings of the Japanese guys... hehe.

about the bruises... could it be because most Japanese have very pale legs. I think everyone has little bruises, but when your legs are tanned, you can´t really see it. Legs = white, then you see all the bruises.
isayhello said:
about the bruises... could it be because most japanese have very pale legs. I think everyone has a little bruises, but when your legs are tanned you canツ´t really see it. Legs = white, then you see all the bruises.

That is true, but it isn't just one small bruise, it is usually several (7-15 I guess) bruises all over the lower half of the legs.
Yep, @DoctorP:
Cause I have bruises too, even though I´m not Japanese, and when I donツ´t have a tan, my bruises show. (Sorry, all of you who didn´t wanna hear about my legs, I just took it as an example! :p )
isayhello said:
and suddenly you join in, even though you said it was a bad idea from the beginning?? :mad:


I thought it had the potential to get ugly because of the wording in the original post.

Anyway...why not?

That is true. No reason why everyone else can't be as shallow as the j-music fangirls. :p I've got a J-guy of my own, by the way.
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