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Islam the beacon of light in Japan


Master X

Right now as I speak there are more than 200,000 japanese muslims in the streets of Tokyo, thats still too small in a population of 126,000,000.

Over what we seen this past week on the news, we saw an innocent 25yr old japanese man being beheaded. These so called Militants give bad meaning to our faith Islam (submisssion to Allah and peace). I as a Palestinian and a faithful muslim know that this is extremely wrong. I know my brothers and sisters in this forum can't deny that it is wrong.

The question is why is the prime ministor co-siding in america? Japan's citizens didn't want to get involved in this.
I don't understand what point you're trying to convey?

as far as I can figure you're saying "these are not true believers and a blight upon man, but let them be"?

I don't get it...
I didn't mean to confuse anyone. I was saying that these militants are going wrong things. and my question is why is koizumo co-siding with the United States?
Konnichiwa Master X-san!

I was saying that these militants are going wrong things. and my question is why is koizumo co-siding with the United States?

I think you can understand if you will know Japanese history. The United States is the most strong enemy or familiar friend against Japan.

But Japan is follower of US, to put it more precisely. :D

200,000 Japanese Muslims?

Why do I find that hard to believe?
Master X said:
evangelism stuff

Ok, you made a pretty large claim in the title of this thread, but then you didn't touch upon it at all in the body of your post. Exactly why is Islam the beacon of light? The burden of proof is on you here. Go.
cicatriz esp said:
Ok, you made a pretty large claim in the title of this thread, but then you didn't touch upon it at all in the body of your post. Exactly why is Islam the beacon of light? The burden of proof is on you here. Go.

If your belief is based in faith, there's no proof needed. He didn't seem to be preaching, more making a statement of fact (for him). I don't think it's necessary to call him out to prove his religion.
That would be a pretty cool city. Like a mega-arcology from SimCity or something. :p
Islam is a religion of peace and justice, many people are stereotypical and look at the right wing extremists.

It just seems that everything has fallin apart now that bush is elected once more, and the US wont withdraw its troops. The Iraqi's are forced to defend themselves; but at what cost. America lost the war in Iraq(Occupation successful winning the peace failed) on top of that, us Arabs have 2 countries to free Palestine and Iraq. One mess after another.
Master X, if the United States were to pull out of Iraq now, would that create peace in Iraq, or would it just create a power vacuum that would result in many more Iraqi deaths, or something else?

Would the world's muslims rather leave the Iraqis to fight it out amongst themselves and let whatever strongman emerged be the new leader - everything else be damned? Or are most muslims convinced that if the US left there would just be peace and everyone would be happy? I know you can't answer for all muslims. What do you think?

Do you support those who kill Israeli children in the name of the religion of peace? I'm not accusing, just asking.
Master X said:
Islam is a religion of peace and justice, many people are stereotypical and look at the right wing extremists.

It just seems that everything has fallin apart now that bush is elected once more, and the US wont withdraw its troops. The Iraqi's are forced to defend themselves; but at what cost. America lost the war in Iraq(Occupation successful winning the peace failed) on top of that, us Arabs have 2 countries to free Palestine and Iraq. One mess after another.

Brother I'm Muslim also and I agree with you on how you feel about Islam. On almost every forum that I'm a member of, even anime forums someone brings up Islam in with good intentions about educating others, but then some ignorant jack a-ss comes in cutting and pasting suras (quotes from the holy Quran) that they know nothing about trying to flame Islam with rude and vulgar language disrespecting our prophet and the religion. And on all of these forums I have defended Islam refuting all the negativity about Islam just take a look at Japan today窶冱 forum it's getting ridiculous. It gets really repetitive and I'm getting sick of it, because you are arguing with ignorant people who know nothing about the religion and being very disrespectful. I'm not saying the members at JREF are like that because you guys are awesome! but there will always be rude instigators. Alls I'm saying is for me personally I need an escape from debating ignorance and just come somewhere to talk about way cool Japanese sh-it lol. I hope you guys understand and keep the questions and comments reasonable and try not to flame aight?
well I'm glad I there is someone here who knows how I feel thats a sign of hope. To answer Fantt's question(s) I'll start with Iraq, we will never live in peace if we don't unite all our leaders in the Arabian Peninsula are traitors and puppets by the United States and Israel. Our greatest enemy is ourselfs if we don't treat each other like brothers we will never overcome this era of bloodshed. If America left Iraq it would certainly stop those militant attacks and beheadings. The United States has occupied a country with no legitamet reason. There were no WMD's, the UN weapons inspectors were doing there job right and the bush administration screwed it up. I have a question for you "whats worse screwing an intern or screwing a country(refers to presidential candidates).

As for Palestinian conflicts, killing children is wrong I'll admit that, but consider this when your home is demolished by rockets and your entire family is killed along your brothers and sisters(friends and other family) have been arrested with no reason and taken to jail, dosn't that make you want to fight back? I'm not saying killing children is right its that they have done far worse things to us, and would you believe it we are the cousins of them the two brothers of Abraham(Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them). This would have never happen if we were united we could of stopped them from ever entering Palestine, its our fault for not being together like real muslims should. Some of us forgotten or ignored what God told us to do and we are paying the price for it.
Master X-
I hope that one day you will live in peace in a free and independent Palestine.

I disagreed with my commander in chief when we invaded Iraq, but leaving now would create a bloodbath. (I agree with Fantt here.) We need to clean up the mess we created as best as we can, and the job will take years.

You know more about the mideast than I do. I won't pretend to lecture you, but I do disagree: I don't think that the US or Israel has all that much sway among Arab leaders. If they are traitors and puppets, I'm not the one pulling the strings. And the economic stagnation, waste of economic resources, and squandering of oil money can't be traced to either the US or Israel. I think your leaders have betrayed you, but they didn't do it for me or my country, they did it for plain old greed and power. (I could be wrong.)

Consider that a peaceful future in Palastine may have to include Israel. (Unless this beacon of light sanctions the extermination of Jews)

By the way, Israel ignores the US. Peace plans, maps, outlines, talks-- they do whatever they want to do.

I don't think the Japanese government pays much attention either.
sabro -- you are wise, this will take a few yrs to clean up, the troops are really good people its the Controler/(commander in cheif) thats the problem.

As for the jews, we do not hate them, they have been condemed by God thats why Christianity came in. The fact is the say our land is promised land to them, then let me say this if we are all equal what makes the jews special to make them have this land, they've disobeyed God and his commandments to Prophet Moses(Peace and Blessing be upon him).

As for Arab leaders you are for certainly correct that it is greed and corruption, the united states put all those leaders there.

All muslims respect every human being on this earth like brothers and sisters there's no reason why we can't live in peace.
If someone killed my son, raped and murdered my wife and tortured me for hours, would I be justified in killing that person's innocent wife or child? I don't think so. Most people would say I would be justified in killing the person responsible, and my gut instinct would be to seek revenge, but in the end, it wouldn't bring my wife and child back from the dead. I would like to think that I wouldn't kill seek revenge if given the chance.

The simple fact that someone has treated horribly should not give you license to treat them horribly. To seek peace, you must eliminate hatred and find a way for forgiveness.

And yes, I have no problem believing that Jews and Arabs are cousins. All humans are intimately related to one another. As a species we've been around a relatively short time. I would guess that you and I had a common ancestor no more than a couple of thousand years ago.

MasterX or Blade, can you imagine a scenario for peace in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine which doesn't involve more bloodshed and violence? I agree with you 100% that the Palestinians have received horrible mistreatment by pretty much the entire world, but would you be willing to co-exist with the Israelis? Or is their destruction the only solution? What solutions can you see?

Please don't take anything I say as being offensive. I don't know much about your religion, and I don't wish any offense. I do think that people should be able to converse with each other rationally about their own beliefs.

All muslims respect every human being on this earth like brothers and sisters there's no reason why we can't live in peace.

I'm not sure I follow you here, MasterX. Aren't there muslims who are currently terrorists, or are they, by definition, not Muslims? And if so, who is the authority that can declare them muslims or not muslims? Don't huge crowds of muslims in many countries (Iran comes to mind) chant "Death to America!" In what way is that respecting me like a brother?

In Saudi Arabia, women are required to be completely covered in public and aren't allowed to do much of anything without a man's permission. Is this proper respect for a woman, or are the people in charge in Saudi Arabia not muslims?

I'm confused - please explain.
Master X said:
sabro -- you are wise, this will take a few yrs to clean up, the troops are really good people its the Controler/(commander in cheif) thats the problem.

As for the jews, we do not hate them, they have been condemed by God thats why Christianity came in. The fact is the say our land is promised land to them, then let me say this if we are all equal what makes the jews special to make them have this land, they've disobeyed God and his commandments to Prophet Moses(Peace and Blessing be upon him).

As for Arab leaders you are for certainly correct that it is greed and corruption, the united states put all those leaders there.

All muslims respect every human being on this earth like brothers and sisters there's no reason why we can't live in peace.

Most Christians and Orthodox Jews say that the present habitation of the Jews in Palestine is illegitimate. According to Christian and Orthodox Jewish theology the Promised Land can only be restored to the Jews when the Messiah comes back physically and kills off all pagans, heathens, and unbelievers to inaugurate the reign of peace and prosperity. According to most Christians and Orthodox Jews, the formation of the secular Israelite state is not the fulfillment of Old Testament prophetic hopes because the Second Temple Jews broke the covenant with God and forfeited the Abrahamic promise. (I as a Christian believe that Jesus Christ fulfills the majority of the Old Testament prophetic hopes, but that is another discussion for another time.)
Actually, Canadian_kor, many "evangelical" christians here in the United States would totally disagree with you. They believe that the existence of Israel is required to bring about the Apocolypse. There is a lot of support for Israel (including among many of W's most devoted supporters) that is simply a sham as they feel that once Jesus comes back he will destroy all of the "heathen" Jews and replace Israel with a totally Christian state.

Most of the Christians I knew growing up (and I grew up in Mississippi in the thick of the Bible belt) totally support Israel's right to exist. They also believe that Jews are the chosen of God, but that they'll also all have to be killed when Jesus comes back and claims HIS chosen - i.e. the saved.
well obviously there's lots of explaining to do, oh my where do I begin? Ok I'll start with Jews. Talking with them isn't going to do anything, we've tried that before in the 1960's and they killed even more of us. We don't want to destroy the jews we want them to leave and stop the occupation.

As for terrorism, these people called Al - Quaeda(not sure how to spell it) they're a joke, they don't represent one bit of truth of justice these are sick minded people who are hired by the republican right wing extremists and the CIA. Like some people in the middle east we have ignorant people who chant death to america which is wrong to know the true meaning of Islam you must research it with an open heart and destroy those nasty sterotypes. Here's one link that might help you understand Islam better. من اقرأ إلى واسجد واقترب - اسلام اون لاين

As for women we treat them equally just like man the reason the wear scarfs and garmets to cover themeselves is because to not make men aroused by women in public. This is how we eliminate the mess called rape and so on. The Saudi's are way too strict, the leaders don't enforce Islam properly.

I hope I was some help to you.
Master X said:
sabro -- you are wise, this will take a few yrs to clean up, the troops are really good people its the Controler/(commander in cheif) thats the problem.

As for the jews, we do not hate them, they have been condemed by God thats why Christianity came in. The fact is the say our land is promised land to them, then let me say this if we are all equal what makes the jews special to make them have this land, they've disobeyed God and his commandments to Prophet Moses(Peace and Blessing be upon him).

As for Arab leaders you are for certainly correct that it is greed and corruption, the united states put all those leaders there.

All muslims respect every human being on this earth like brothers and sisters there's no reason why we can't live in peace.

Thanks for calling me wise.

If you don't hate the Jews, if they are condemned and they have disobeyed God, what will you do with the millions of Israelis when you get the land back?

I don't know how the leaders of Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran are chosen. Although the US would love to influence such things, asside from Sadam Hussein, I don't know that we control any mid-east leader. I certainly did not cast my vote for the Royal Saud. I know we installed the Shah of Iran. That worked out really well. I don't think we chose the Palastinian leadership. Anyway if we are the puppet masters there, how come we can't get anyone to agree to anything? (or maybe we secretly don't want peace...hmm?)

Arafat is not doing well. I hope things work out.

My quote button works again? Go figure.
I hope Arafat life ends. He's a no good traitor. Empty promises and more casualty's. He's been with the jews this whole time. We need to start focusing on a new leader that has a real heart to unite us all.
Wow - I don't think any of that made any sense MasterX. The terrorists are actually employees of the CIA and republican party, and not actually the muslims they claim to be? Osama bin Laden is sought by the United States while also being employed by the US? The republicans and the CIA chartered those jets and crashed them into the World Trade Center? If that's truly your stance then we probably don't have enough common ground to continue a conversation in that direction.

As for the Jews, you say they must leave. What if most of them refuse to leave? Should those be killed - including their children? And if so, in what way is that treating them with respect as brothers and sisters?

As for women, I see girls around here dressed very scantily and instances of rape here are very low. Are muslim men more apt to rape women than Western men? I seriously doubt it.

Master X said:
I hope Arafat life ends. He's a no good traitor. Empty promises and more casualty's. He's been with the jews this whole time. We need to start focusing on a new leader that has a real heart to unite us all.

In what way is that wish treating Arafat with respect as a brother? Was he also employed by the Republicans and CIA?
Fantt said:
Actually, Canadian_kor, many "evangelical" christians here in the United States would totally disagree with you. They believe that the existence of Israel is required to bring about the Apocolypse. There is a lot of support for Israel (including among many of W's most devoted supporters) that is simply a sham as they feel that once Jesus comes back he will destroy all of the "heathen" Jews and replace Israel with a totally Christian state.

Most of the Christians I knew growing up (and I grew up in Mississippi in the thick of the Bible belt) totally support Israel's right to exist. They also believe that Jews are the chosen of God, but that they'll also all have to be killed when Jesus comes back and claims HIS chosen - i.e. the saved.

You're talking about the dispensationalists. Most evangelical Christians are not dispensational. In fact, most Christians don't support the secular state of Israel as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophetic hopes. Also, most Christians are not into the apocalypticism found in many modern-day evangelical books on end times.
Master X said:
I hope Arafat life ends. He's a no good traitor. Empty promises and more casualty's. He's been with the jews this whole time. We need to start focusing on a new leader that has a real heart to unite us all.

Wow. I didn't expect that reply. I don't much like Arafat's rhetoric and I blame him for continuing the violence. I don't think "he's been with the jews this whole time." but again, I don't follow these issues as close as you do so I will defer to your opinion.

I wholeheartedly agree that focusing on new leadership is important and positive.
canadian_kor said:
You're talking about the dispensationalists. Most evangelical Christians are not dispensational. In fact, most Christians don't support the secular state of Israel as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophetic hopes. Also, most Christians are not into the apocalypticism found in many modern-day evangelical books on end times.

I'm not sure which Christians you're speaking of. When you say "most Christians" believe this or that, from what authority are you speaking? I'm talking about all of the Christians that I knew growing up in the Bible belt of the United States which forms one of the strongest cores of Christian belief in the country - none of the Christians that I knew in that area ever had a different opinion from what I stated. I certainly can't speak for "most" Christians, but my guess would be that the majority of US Bible-Belt christians feel the way that I presented. And that would probably be the majority of protestant Christians in the United States.

Are you talking about Catholics? There probably are more Catholics than southern Protestants and I don't know much about Catholicism, so maybe you have a good point.
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