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HOLA!! I mean... HELLO^^"!!


17 Aug 2004
Hi!! Well, I'm new so I just wanted to say "hello" to everyone!!
ehhh... I'm from Argentina, I love japanese popular music, manga, anime, history... pretty much everything 😌 :p ..... Well, I've never been in a forum before, so I'll have to learn how to use this, and I don't speak english VERY, VERY, VERY well... so please try to understand me and forgive me if i say something and it doesn't make any sense... 🙇‍♂️

Ok, too long... so GOOD-BYE & GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!
You write better English then must people do... Or atleast better then people write on the internet. I'm not even sure if the last two sentences I wrote were correct English.
Konnichiwa Kala-san!

Welcome and Hajimemashite. Please enjoy the forum! 🙂

I don't speak english VERY, VERY, VERY well... so please try to understand me and forgive me if i say something and it doesn't make any sense... 🙇‍♂️

Hahaha... me too! My English is not good but I enjoy this forum! :D

Hey Kala! 🙂
Wow, you joined just after I did.
I've never been a part of a forum this big before, so I still need to find my way around too.
Welcome to the forums!! :D
ツ。Bienvenidos a los fora, Kala! I hope that made sense; it's been a while since I last used Spanish. 😊 To echo what others have said, your English looks good to me. 👍 Enjoy your stay with us! 🙂 🎈
wow your from Argentina!!!!!!!!!!!!! My best friend lives in Argentina, what part are you from? she lives in Salto. oh and welcome!
yeah? ja... I'm from Buenos Aires, which is a little bit far away from Salta (that's what you meant? because if it's not i don't know where "salto" is:p...-actually is veeeeerrryyyy faaaaaaarr aawaaaaaayyy-- but it's nice-- I guess, I've never been there, I've been near...
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