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Hime, Hime, OHime ... Saien?? Ahh!


20 Sep 2003
Kind of a confusing question here. I'm trying to use the right kanji for the Tanka I'm practicing writing now.

However, there are TWO Hime's, then I saw a word with the same Kanji I thought would be appropriate as well. I am wondering what the difference between these words are, and their viewed meaning (IE, one more formal, one seen as childish...)

1) 姫

2) 媛

3) お姫

4) 才媛 (This one has a nice ring to it, but not sure it is appropriate?)

Emoni said:


3) お姫

4) 才媛
There's no difference between 1 and 3 except for the honorific(sp?).

AFAIK お姫様 would be the 'standard' address for a princess. 媛 and 才媛 I only know because they're on my vocabulary list. AFAIK 媛 doesn't mean anything different to 姫 - it's just an older (outdated) kanji.
What does AFAIK mean? Sorry I haven't seen that abrev before :)

I see about the Kanji. Do you know if Saien is used much or how it would be taken if said to someone compared to ohime?

So far I'm leaning toward the same ohime, but Saien seems to fit the type of person a bit better than hime...

As Far As I Know
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