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Has anyone noticed their PS2 slowly losing its ability to read blue discs?

21 Jun 2004
Over time, I have noticed this problem. Sadly, there is nothing I can do other than prop the PS2 on its left side when powering up an older game on Blue disc. It loads quickly then allows me to go ahead and play the game with the system in it's natural position.

Anyone else have this happen to them?

Reads DVD softs fine.

How long ago did you buy your PS2 coz Sony, from time to time, churn out new revisions. First generation (and maybe 2nd) PS2's might be affected with things the later versions aren't.
goggles said:
How long ago did you buy your PS2 coz Sony, from time to time, churn out new revisions. First generation (and maybe 2nd) PS2's might be affected with things the later versions aren't.

Oh, it's old.

I would worry more, but I only have three or four of the CD based games, so once I finish them, it's off to the rack for them.

As I said, luckily they load with them on their side for a second, then right side up for the duration and only on CD games. It also won't damage the disc as SONY wanted it to be on it's side as an optional way of leaving it.

Well, just need to finish two games and never have to worry again.

that prolly becuase so many people used to put the ps1 on its side to get it to work lol.

anyway its from a gear inside thats starting to slip, eventually you will get disc read errors for anythig you put in there. at that time goto techtv.com and search "disc read error" one of the articles will have a step by step to fix your problem. worked on my ps2 as well as my friends.
Hmm, initially this fix worked with the DVD (which never had trouble loading to begin with.) and the Blue Discs. Sadly, once I put the audio CD in, the whole thing went poop. Now I am trying again to get it going.

Oh well, I can deal with turning it to the side once and awhile.

At least the DVD softs still work, right?

yeah, sometimes you have to mess with it more, turn it the other way or another click over.
If you go to your browser options and switch the diagnosis on it will read the disks alot better. I hope i helped.
Well, it seems that I had the little white dial-y thing too far over and it would only read CD-ROM softs. Then I wanted to play Socom II online with the 9 Sony Controller I bought, wouldn't load, so i adjusted again.

Well see.

Might be interesting to know, If you use backup disc for games or movies and use them on you're ps2 the lens can get hurt due to if the disc is good quality or not, If you put the disc up towards a light and you can se what it says on the other side its bad and blank disc with no labels are bad too.

This is what I've heard and while playing my games I have noticed that when I play the original the movies in the game goes as they should but on some DVD-R discs that isn't to good quality it lags alot and the playing is not going good at all so watch out for what you buy to burn :)

I have version 5 or 7 on my PS2 and I've had no problems of what you are talking about, yet that is..
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