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First kiss in manga/anime and reality.


Okama XD
10 Mar 2004
Okay, so I have a question about first kiss. Everybody watching anime / reading manga knows that 13-16 years old Japanese (not bothering about sex) make a lot of fuss because somebody stole them their first kiss, which thay wanted to share with their big love. (Generally, they end with this person after all XD).

My question is: do Japanese teenagers realy thinks like manga characters? Or is it rather a mirror. After all there are these "enjo kosai girls"...
The entertainment industry is used to shape the public opinion and not vice versa.

The same probably goes to manga and their animated counterparts.

I got the suspicion that manga and their animated counterparts might not be entirely Japanese at all, just because something is 'made IN Japan' that doesn't mean the blueprints for it came from Japan itself.

Anyway. In creating a published manga, there's a loop that kinda goes like this:

- The creator (or creators) who created the manga composed a rough composition of the manga.

- The rough composition is given to the manager (can be more than one person though, especially if it's a big time manga series) that represent the publication company, who deal in person to the creator(s) of the manga.

- The manager then give the rough composition to his superiors.

- The manager's superiors then after reviewing the rough composition they give a list of things that they want in the manga to the manager.

- The manager then give the creator(s) of the manga the input he got from his superiors.

- The creator(s) of the manga then worked on a new rough composition based on the inputs he got from the manager.

This pattern is in a loop until the manager's superiors agreed that the result is according to what they want.

Yes, it's exhausting.

Yes, it's a long tedious process.

And yes, in the end, the content of the manga has little or even nothing to do at all with its 'creator(s)'.

Oh yeah... have I mentioned that the 'published version' of the manga doesn't necessary have to be same as the 'finished version' given by the manga 'creator(s)'?

The same goes for creating an animated series/movies.

Note: Incase you're wondering, most of the proposals that George Lucas for the Star Wars movies gave are rejected. There are probably only small bits of George Lucas in the Star Wars movies.

Okay, back to your question. The answer is... Yes, a mirror... the kind that you probably would find in a fun house.

Anyway. There are 'real' elements in manga and their animated counterparts, but however these elements can be mixed with elements that is not exactly quite real, whether the intention is to create excitement or a more sinister agenda, it's not really known for sure.

This method is done to allow the subject (reader, viewer, player, and so on) to be more immersed with the medium. The subject is introduced to familiar elements first that he or she experienced in real life, then 'new' elements are added and the settings are subtly and precisely moved according to the situations.

Ever wondered on why many fantastic voyage stories usually took place in a regular place like those found in real life and then move the characters into fantastic worlds? This is exactly the reason why. A tried and true tactic, just ask Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

As for 'enjo kosai' girls.

Well... I doubt that sex or kissing in the mouth is the first thing in the mind of most girls that done enjo kosai. To most people that done enjo kosai, it probably just... 'paid escort'.

Most girls that done it probably just think it as a nice activity to add some extra petty cash. They happy (the clients), they happy (the girls), both sides benefit.

Besides, if the guys they're dating are old (not necessary have to be the ojii-san type), they probably feels more 'mature' and 'grown up' on going with older men.

But remember the Eve factor, plus also the sons of God and the daugther of men factor.

As for on how most current Japanese teenagers feel.

Probably roughly the same as any teenager in the world.
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