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Change my name

Ekusu.. that's a pretty kewl variant of it.. if one insist on having to have the letter X for a name -_- why not Z?.. or XZXZXZXZ... or XXXORXXX... you get my point..
It means "X". That's all I wanted to say, but it was so brief the forum rejected the message. So I tacked this crap on to flesh it out.
Lina Inverse said:
It would be better if you called yourself X-san or X-kun :haihai:

Oh, I agree. You should always be sure to add -san or -kun to your name.
mikecash said:
Oh, I agree. You should always be sure to add -san or -kun to your name.

okidoki mikecash-kun, from now on you can call me twistedmac-san.. or onee-san if that suits you better ^^

*prances around* skirt skirt skirt!

Hello, Mr. Administrator Person,
I'm afraid I'm bored with my user name and need something different.
Rather than being near the ocean all the time, I somehow find myself in Shibuya a lot. So I'd like to be renamed

"Dogen Z"

after the street in Shibuya--there's a couple of drinking spots I like to go to on Dogenzaka.

I still like the ocean but the name doesn't fit me anymore. 😌 Dogen Z has a kind of zen resonance that fits, I think.

Dakara onegai itashimasu. m(_ _)m
Are we aloud to change our usernames?

Uhm, if we could, I'd like to make a reuqest too, then.
I wanted to change this name also, but I didn't wanna get rid of this account.
I've been changing all of my usernames from either "tomii515" or "t0mii515" -> "txmmj"

If it could be changed, it'd be appriciated a lot :]
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