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Calling "all things Japanese" lurkers!


4 Mar 2004
i see you! all the time, i've never seen less than 8 people watching this one forum in particular, but you never write >_<

here's a rolecall for you people...

just post a "here" so we see who's lurking more than typing ^^

(lurking is ok.. i'm just interested ^^)
*HUH*you just want people to write or somthing i write in more the video games but also in problems and other things.
ooh this is cool, im always lurking, this is good post, this can turn into a spam fest.
*puts on anti spam-suit...gets in teeth protector...wears armyhelmet*...HIT ME !!!! Yeah the first thing I do when visiting here is beginne at the last page of the post and check any interesting things....wich doesn't mean I automatically reply them....so yeah..I'm a lurker :hat: yeah his name isn't playaa for nothing...he could've been my twin brother.... :D :p
misa.j said:
Kirei_na_me is cute.

She should be having as much as fun she wants.

Well, thank you, misa. You're very kind. I bet you're cute too. We can be all cutsie together! 😍 :p ;-)
LOL Frank, we should start a LUF (Lurkers United Foundation) for the forum, and give them custom avatars. :)

Oh and Rock, I always did think I had a twin brother, seperated at birth. 👍
kirei_na_me said:
I bet you're cute too. We can be all cutsie together! 😍 :p ;-)

Oh no, no, no, no, no, don't even go there...

I know what cute is, though.


Get back to the thread,
I like lurking so much that it takes up almost 4 hours of my day!!!
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