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Any one have Red Faction 2

The version That I have is for PC. Does it have internet play?
I have juist best the game my self. Does the game end diffent with a better hearo level
I don't think red faction 2 for the p.c has internet play. sorry

as for the different endings i can help. 👍

Yes your hero level changes when you do good or bad for the final ending of the game.

Bad ending - when you kill or don't save the red faction members and the civilians. (But alot has to die).

Good ending - when you do most of the mission (doing sub missions helps)

Best ending - save as many of the red faction members and civilians as posible (also do as much good as posible).

The ideas is that if you do bad and kill people you will get the bad ending and so-on for the good side.

Their might be 4 endings am not sure cause its been 2 years since i played it.
but its still a good game.

hopefully i have helped you.
I was sort of disappointed with RF 2. I loved the first one because it was quite entertaining and made you want to keep going. The second was just silly. I just stopped caring about any of the plot once I got 2/3 into it.


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