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advisors/moderators etc...


25 Jul 2004
What does all of this mean? How do you become one?
Does it depend on the amount of posts that you have?
:? :haihai:
taken from the FAQ:
Moderators oversee specific forums. They generally have the ability to edit and delete posts, move threads, and perform other manipulations. Becoming a moderator for a specific forum is usually rewarded to users who are particularly helpful and knowledgeable in the subject of the forum they are moderating.

moderators/advisors basicly clean up the spam, make sure things are posted in the correct forums, and generally keep an eye on things so theres no fights etc. difference between mods and advisors is that advisors also have a specific forum they moderate in which they are knowledgeable in that forum's subject.
thanks for letting me know how it works jeisan.
Are there any advisors for the literature and arts section?
If not I would be interested in doing it if there's a need for it.
I think Maciamo and NANGI are the moderators for the literature section.

Also, I'm going to move this to the Site Feedback/Admin Contact section. ;-)
I Think The Forum Can Use.....

a "Dear Abby" for the "Lovelorn" type questions. Lately it seems we get a lot of "what should I do" in the area of personel relations type questions. I don't suppose we have any members with knowledge about "Love & Sex??


:? 😊 😄 🙂
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