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12 May 2004
In my mangas I got, lots of sentences have つ in it, but in some words u don't say the "つ" part? can anyone explain this?.. because I don't know if I need to read it as: blah blah blah つ blah blah, or leave the つ out?! I'm lost.. ( i guess it's a dumb question but it makes me confused.
KickAss_Danieru said:
In my mangas I got, lots of sentences have つ in it, but in some words u don't say the "つ" part? can anyone explain this?.. because I don't know if I need to read it as: blah blah blah つ blah blah, or leave the つ out?! I'm lost.. ( i guess it's a dumb question but it makes me confused.
Quoting a sentence or two would be a good start.
I agree with, PaulTB, a sample would be great. But without that my best guess is that you haven't noticed the size difference of the different つs:
かった (Katta)
かつた (Katsuta, not a real word but I couldn't think of any example with real words) ^^
David Hallgren said:
I agree with, PaulTB, a sample would be great. But without that my best guess is that you haven't noticed the size difference of the different つs:
かった (Katta)
かつた (Katsuta, not a real word but I couldn't think of any example with real words) ^^
Ah yes highly likely.

Note also that there is no size difference in the つ's shown in furigana.



As an aside I'll note that in classical Japanese there is no difference in size in normal text.
Sorry, I couldn't write the sentence then.. I didn't bring the manga with me.

ah ****.. i forgot to bring them this time again.. but yeh they is a few sentences, i do see a slight size difference though. so if its a small tsu its silent kind of? so i guess i gotta look a bit closer when reading then.. thank you.
KickAss_Danieru said:
Sorry, I couldn't write the sentence then.. I didn't bring the manga with me.

ah ****.. i forgot to bring them this time again.. but yeh they is a few sentences, i do see a slight size difference though. so if its a small tsu its silent kind of? so i guess i gotta look a bit closer when reading then.. thank you.

Well, it's not so much silent, it's just it doubles the proceeding letter.. like David Hallgren showed.
hm ic.. thanks.. :)

so, for nissan (the car) you would write: にっさん ?? (how do u write small symbols on computer? I had to copy and past the small tsu)
Forgive my normal brusqueness, but it's hard to believe that you have progressed to the level of actually reading stuff without ever having learned about the small "tsu". I'm guessing that you learn almost 100% through self-study and that this was just one of those things that fell through the cracks.

The way you write the small symbols? Try typing "nissan" while in Japanese IME mode. Just as it is there. n-i-s-s-a-n.

I don't know if you're also trying to pick up speaking/listening skills in addition to reading manga, but if you are, then you really need to learn about the small "tsu" and the role it plays in pronunciation. Properly pronouncing what is indicated by the small "tsu" and of elongated vowels tend to be two things that English speakers (at least) brush off and ignore. Which is very unfortunate, since it makes what they are saying very difficult to comprehend sometimes.

Also, if you are unable to recognize the difference in speech, it will cause you all sorts of problems with mishearing things.
I basically been self taught, along with a couple webpages for hiragana and katakana symbol table, a few japanese friends have taught me some stuff to speak, but learning to read and write, i had basically no help except from a sh1t loads of practice.. and of course still practice everyday just to learn to read quicker and quicker.. i know jack all kanji, but i don't really have much time to myself now that I'm in college, but i get enough practice. when i started reading manga, when i came to words with a small letter next to it i (may not believe me but..) i tried playing around how to say it (at this time i wasn't in college and i didn't know any japanese ppl or had the net or w/e) and eventually when i came to college i made friends with the ESOL students and double checked with them how i was reading was correct. but tsu confused me.. it just didn't sound right after a proper sized symbol.. so i always been stuck on that 1.. cant blame me for not getting it if i wasn't shown how to read it.. :/

but yeh, thanks a lot for your help. ^_^

i hope to go to japan after college, and learn more..
KickAss_Danieru said:
1.. cant blame me for not getting it if i wasnt shown how to read it.. :/
Yeah you only have your teacher to blame. Oh, wait.
KickAss_Danieru said:
i basically been self taught
You know, you can get text books. In fact I'd expect you can get text books for free from your library.
ok, i really don't mean to sound like an *** now but, I'm in college, i can barely afford to go to it, my family is poor, its hard for me to learn japanese esp since my college is far in the country (new zealand remember) and it is about a 2 hr drive to the nearest town that has a book shop or a library.. i use what little kas i got to come here (internet room)and try to learn as much japanese as i can. (not trying to sound like an *** or something) but it is hard having a) not much money b) being far away from any good shops c) not having much time to learn japanese with my studies and d) learning how to do this stuff pretty much by myself.

sorry if it sounds stupid to you ppl, but where i'm from is hard to get by. and with what little spare time and money i have.. i learn japanese. (go ahead and laugh)

oops,, kas = kash (cash) :/
KickAss_Danieru said:
ok, i realy dont mean to sound like an *** now but, im in college
Your college doesn't have a library? Even when I was back in Comprehensive School you could make book purchase suggestions - they'd probably look favourably on an educational book even if they may not be able to handle inter-library loans. Seriously you should check it out.
actually my school doesn't have a library, its not like the big flash american schools or w/e.. its just a small place, the place relies on donations to keep it going, and new buildings...

because of this its expensive, but the qualifications (dunno how to spell) are worth it.
KickAss_Danieru said:
actually my school doesn't have a library
Well what can I say but - That sucks.

I've already given away all my early Japanese text books and dictionaries otherwise I'd offer to send you some. 😅
yeh, like i said, i really am not trying to sound like a dick about it.. but its all truth.. i g2g now ne ways.. cya
Do the best you can with whatever resources you can manage to scrounge together, Dan. Everybody is in a different situation when it comes to availability of materials and teachers, and I think it's easy for us to lose sight of that sometimes.
yeh it is.. but not in the part i'm in.. lol.. i'm from the city originally, but my school is in the country.. and thanks for the webpage..

this is pretty good page i think.. :)
Hello, Daniel!

I was more or less in the same predicament as you are before I took a class. (I'm not in college yet.) My local library had a grand total of two books on Japanese, and after working through them, I found that they didn't teach me all that much.

Well, desperate people get resourceful. :) I found a lot of places online. I typed them out on another post.

:) Good luck!
oo cool.. thanks :) ... looks like these could help a lot..

wow.. especially www3.telus.net/public/vua/ . good for remembering the symbols :) Thanks a lot.
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