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25 Dec 2007
Hi guys and gals, I was wondering what the difference betweeen goro and gurai is - or if there is any difference at all?
I think goro is maybe more for numbers and gurai is for saying something is "roughly", but actually I have no idea ☝

Thank you.
Helloooo 🙂

Well, the way I see it is this:

~ごろ(に) = at about
~ぐらい = (for/in) about

But, honestly, I'm not sure if they're interchangeable, but this is the way I use them:

九時に起きました。(ku ji ni okimashita.)
I got up at 9:00.

九時ごろ起きました。(ku ji goro okimashita.)
I got up at about 9:00.


マクドナルドの前で一時間待ちました。(makudonarudo no mae de ichi jikan machimashita.)
I waited in front of MacDonald's for one hour.

マクドナルドの前で一時間ぐらい待ちました。(makudonarudo no mae de ichi ji kan gurai machimashita,)
I waited in front of MacDonald's for about one hour.

Hope this helps 👍

Oh, by the way, I just looked in my book, and when it made a side note about ぐらい, it said "for "at about a certain time", we have another word ごろ". So, maybe they are the same, or interchangeable.

-Tommy 😌


I changed the wrong particle ^^;;
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ごろ/ころ(頃) is used only for regarding "time". On the other hand, ぐらい/くらい is used more generally as the meaning of "about". So, as regarding "time", they are interchangeable except in the case of "~の頃", "adnominal form of verb/adjective + 頃".

今朝は九時頃に起きた。 = 今朝は九時くらいに起きた。
夏頃には家が完成する。 = 夏くらいには家が完成する。


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ごろ/ころ(頃) is used only for regarding "time". On the other hand, ぐらい/くらい is used more generally as the meaning of "about". So, as regarding "time", they are interchangeable except in the case of "~の頃", "adnominal form of verb/adjective + 頃".
今朝は九時頃に起きた。 = 今朝は九時くらいに起きた。
夏頃には家が完成する。 = 夏くらいには家が完成する。
They may be interchangeable but ごろ is a lot more common, at least in my experience, with these kinds of hourly or seasonal expressions than ぐらい・くらい。


I wouldn't use ごろ to describe an amount or length of time.

Difference between " Mae de and Mae ni" | Japan Forum (on the で、に
thing) :)
Thanks all, that has cleared things up for the time being 👍
They may be interchangeable but ごろ is a lot more common, at least in my experience, with these kinds of hourly or seasonal expressions than ぐらい・くらい。


I wouldn't use ごろ to describe an amount or length of time.

Difference between " Mae de and Mae ni" | Japan Forum (on the で、に

Ohh, damn you're right. That's my bad. Even in genki it has a paragraph on with verbs like "taberu" and "motsu", you need to use "de"

ex: 私はハーゲンダッツの前メアリーさんを待ちました。

Thanks for letting me know though! I must've forgotten, and if you wouldn't have said anything, i would've kept making the same mistake. 👍
I wouldn't use ごろ to describe an amount or length of time.
Right. I misselected the term "time".😅
"一時間頃" does not make sense.
感覚としては、「一時間」は量として扱われますね。だ から「くらい」しか使えないんでしょうね。

They may be interchangeable but ごろ is a lot more common, at least in my experience, with these kinds of hourly or seasonal expressions than ぐらい・くらい。
ぐらい/くらい sounds more colloquial.
でも個人的には使用頻度でも意味的にも差はない気がし ますが。。。

マクドナルドの前で一時間待ちました。(makudonarudo no mae de ichi jikan machimashita.)
This is used commonly in conversation as the same meaning to "一時間くらい/ほど". :)
Right. I misselected the term "time".😌 "一時間頃" does not make sence.
ぐらい/くらい sounds more colloquial.
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