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How to convince my parents to let be study abroad?

Well I am interested in the Japan, and I want to experience the culture. But I tried to research both sides in studying America and Japan, and explain to him why it's a benefits, and he had a historically laughs. He told me to stay in America to get a job here and a future. I understand where he is coming at, but I want to have a life time experience while studying computer science in college.I even accepted challegnes like taking the JLPT, I know that there will be challenges in the long run, but it's my dream to go back to Asia.


Showcase the experience of seniors... show the real things... Tell them how much you can earn in future... compare your future...
promise to him that you will sure be successful if studying in Japan.
Tell him you love to study there, you are mature and you will be very happy
if you can study what you like in a country you love.

Nice day
Maybe promise him that you will come back? And give him proof that your education there will be useful for your future career, so he knows it's not a waste of time and money.
Try to convince him that learning another language has advantages even if you don't use that language professionally.

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